Megyn Kelly breathed a sigh of relief over this bombshell about Donald Trump’s fate

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Megyn Kelly hosts one of the most popular podcasts in conservative media.

She’s who conservatives turn to about news and analysis on the election.

And Megyn Kelly breathed a sigh of relief over this bombshell about Donald Trump’s fate.

Tucker Carlson gives Megyn Kelly his election prediction 

Everyone is trying to read the tea leaves about where the race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris stands.

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked her former Fox colleague Tucker Carlson that very question.

Kelly made sure to preface her inquiry by admitting that no one knew for certain how the election would turn out as the votes still needed to be counted.

“Everybody wants to know who’s going to win, and none of us really knows who’s going to win,” Kelly stated.

But she still wanted to know Carlson’s “gut” instinct on who would win.

Carlson admitted to Kelly that he follows his heart rather than his head when analyzing politics, but that from talking to people who take a clear-eyed look at the data he told her he thinks Trump is ahead.

“I’m just too emotional about this stuff and that’s why I always get it wrong. I’ll just refer to the publicly available and the private polling, which is pretty much out there, I mean, because, you know, people are paying close attention: Trump’s ahead,” Carlson replied.

Carlson said Trump leads in five of seven battlegrounds – RealClearPolitics shows him up in six – and that was enough for him to secure an Electoral College majority. 

“You know, there are only seven states, the battleground states are seven states, and Trump is ahead in five of them. And that’s enough to win in the Electoral College. He’s up in Pennsylvania,” Carlson added.

Carlson said the campaign’s actions are what to look at 

Carlson told Kelly that polls can change.

And polls often do.

The 2024 Election saw massive swings in the race after Biden showed himself to be senile and then Kamala entered the race.

But Carlson explained the body language of the campaigns could tell you who was winning.

And he said a major tell to him that Kamala knew she was in trouble came when it leaked that she was in talks with podcast host Joe Rogan for an interview.

Democrats tried to cancel Rogan in 2021 because he opposed the COVID-19 vaccine.

Now Kamala is desperate to reach the millions of young men that make up Rogan’s audience.

“Again, we have three weeks from today to go, that could all change. I’m sure there will be, you know, a lot of change between now and then and a lot of stuff that we don’t expect will happen in three weeks. But as of today, Trump is ahead. And it’s obvious in the behavior of the Harris campaign. She’s talking about doing Joe Rogan. She’s pretending that she’s going to do Joe Rogan. You think she’s doing that voluntarily because she loves Joe Rogan. You know what I mean? I don’t think so,” Carlson continued.

Kelly agreed saying Kamala wanting to go on Rogan meant it was panic mode in her campaign.

“No, that’s break glass in case of emergency,” Kelly declared.

Carlson said he liked Trump and even if he didn’t like him the forces arrayed against him were evil and therefore it was necessary for him to win.

“Exactly, exactly! So, yeah, no, Trump is winning right now. And of course, I hope he does. And I happen to like Trump a lot personally. But even if I hated Trump, the machine can’t win. The machine is anti-human,” Carlson concluded. “So that machine has to lose. And as of today, that machine is losing.”

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