Teachers Unions Approval Poll Results

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Kamala Harris couldn’t believe these swing state voters’ reaction to her

Voters are getting their first real look at Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democrat nominee for President. Many don’t like what they see. And Kamala Harris...

Fox News sent Kamala Harris the one letter she feared the most

Kamala Harris is now the Democrat Party’s last hope of keeping Donald Trump out of the White House. But she is now facing a major problem....

Kamala Harris is about to pick this Democrat as her Vice President

Kamala Harris is facing a big decision. She needs to pick a running mate before the August 19 convention. And Kamala Harris is about to pick...

Donald Trump asked Kamala Harris the one question that will scare Americans

It looks like the general election will be a matchup between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. But he has one ace up his sleeve. And Donald...

Kamala Harris will be sick when she sees this damning video

The race is on to define Kamala Harris. She is counting on the media to glow her up with fawning coverage that would put the deification...

Donald Trump revealed the role Kamala Harris played in the assassination attempt

Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. Americans are demanding to know how a gunman got within 150 yards of him. And Donald Trump revealed the role...

Kamala Harris will cry herself to sleep over this awful new poll

Kamala Harris is now the Democrat Party savior. But she got some bad news right off the bat. And Kamala Harris will cry herself to sleep...

Hollywood stars made this stunning reversal after Joe Biden dropped out

Joe Biden quitting the Presidential race changed the equation. Democrats experienced a surge of momentum. And Hollywood stars made this stunning reversal after Joe Biden dropped...