Kamala Harris wants to put Americans on this scary list

Cat2 / Gun Control

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is hiding her plans for what she would do as President.

There is a reason for that.

And Kamala Harris wants to put Americans on this scary list.

Kamala Harris will send government agents to bang on the doors of gun owners

When Vice President Kamala Harris ran for President in 2020, she publicly supported a gun confiscation program forcing gun owners to sell their firearms back to the government.

 “I do believe that we need to do buybacks,” Harris said during an interview with Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon.

 “A buyback program is a good idea. Now we need to do it the right way. And part of that has to be, you know, buyback and give people their value, the financial value,” Harris continued.

In her ill-fated Presidential campaign, Harris said she was well equipped to seize the guns of American citizens because of her experience as California Attorney General.

 Harris said in that capacity she sent police officers to “knock on the doors of people” and confiscate their guns.

“We sent law enforcement out to take those guns because we have to deal with this on all levels,” Harris added.

In an interview with NBC News, Harris said she was prepared to order the federal government to ban and confiscate firearms via executive fiat.

Harris is no moderate

Not even the Supreme Court could stop a potential President Harris’ gun confiscation program.

And just to show how far she is willing to go, New York Times reporter Alexander Burns reported in 2020 that Harris was open to packing the Supreme Court with as many as six new left-wing justices.

“Harris told me in an interview actually that she was absolutely open to doing that…” Burn stated

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders warned Americans not to fall for Harris’ gaslighting about how she’s now a moderate since her campaign staff disowned every radical leftist position she took during the 2020 Election.

“She wants to put you on a list. She wants to send law enforcement to your door. She wants to take your guns. Don’t believe the media spin – Kamala Harris is no moderate,” Sanders wrote on X.

The 2024 Election will likely be decided by which impression of Harris voters settle on.

Will voters buy the manufactured image of Kamala Harris by the media, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party as a transcendental cultural icon or will they stick with what they knew of her that existed right up until the day President Joe Biden dropped out of the race?

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