J.D. Vance crushed Kamala Harris with this devastating request

Cat2 / Politics

Ralph Branson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Now that Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden, the polls show a tossup race.

Republicans are sharpening their attacks on her.

And J.D. Vance crushed Kamala Harris with this devastating request.

J.D. Vance lands new attack line on Harris

The traditional role of the Vice-Presidential candidate is to serve as their running mate’s attack dog.

U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) embraced that role for former President Donald Trump.

During his speech before a Trump rally in Atlanta, Vance ripped into Vice President Kamala Harris for questioning his and Trump’s loyalty to America.

“We can handle the made-up attacks by Democrats and by the media because we’re used to it by now,” Vance began. 

“But, here’s something I can’t stomach about Kamala Harris, is when she has the nerve to question our loyalty to this country. And, she does,” Vance told the crowd.

Vance declared that loyalty was proving you were acting in the best interest of the country.

Harris failed that test by opening the border and supporting inflationary socialist spending.

“Well, here’s what President Trump and I believe about loyalty. Loyalty to this country is closing our border, not opening it up. Loyalty is making life more affordable, not causing inflation because you can’t stop sending money like a drunken sailor,” Vance added.

Vance said Trump proved his loyalty to America by always putting America first.

“Loyalty is safeguarding Medicare for American citizens, not bankrupting it by sending it to illegal aliens, which is what she wants to do,” Vance continued.

Vance ripped Harris for allowing slain Georgia nursing student Laken Riley’s killer into the country.

Trump’s message to Harris

He said he proved his loyalty by enlisting in the Marine Corps and Trump showed his loyalty by taking a bullet for democracy.

And Vance told Harris if she wanted to see what disloyalty looked like she should look in the mirror.

“Loyalty is protecting Laken Riley, not allowing an illegal immigrant to take her life. Loyalty is serving in the United States Marine Corps, something I am proud to have done. Loyalty is taking a bullet for this country, something Donald J. Trump did. Kamala Harris, if you want to see the face of disloyalty, look in the damn mirror,” Vance stated.

Vance has turned into an effective communicator for the Trump campaign.

Before the Atlanta rally, he turned the tables on a CNN reporter trying to claim he was a hypocrite for calling Harris a chameleon.

“So, I think it’s totally reasonable to change your mind. Has Kamala Harris stood for a tough debate with you and explained why she wanted to ban fracking and now she doesn’t? Or why she wanted to fund the police and now she doesn’t? Or why she wanted to open the border, but now she doesn’t? It’s reasonable to change your mind. It’s not reasonable to run and hide from the media and not answer the American people’s questions,” Vance told the CNN reporter.

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