Donald Trump saw the one poll result that will horrify Kamala Harris

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Kamala Harris is in the middle of a press-generated surge of momentum.

But Democrats were in for some bad news.

And Donald Trump saw the one poll result that will horrify Kamala Harris.

Poll shows Harris bounce fading

Pollster Scott Rasmussen’s latest survey for RMG Research found Vice President Kamala Harris leading former President Donald Trump by both one point in a head-to-head match and in an expanded ballot test that included independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This was a sharp reversal from the previous week’s RMG Research poll that found Harris leading Trump by five points 47 to 42 percent.

Napolitan News Service, which sponsored the poll, said this could be the first sign of Harris’ post-race entrance bounce beginning to fade

“Last week, a Scott Rasmussen national survey found Harris leading by five among Registered Voters (47% to 42%). These latest results could suggest that the initial Harris bounce has come to an end,” Napolitan News Service reported.

The Trump campaign’s belief that Harris’ honeymoon period is ending

Right now, Kamala Harris is running a campaign on imagery and no substance.

She walked back all her previous positions – support for gun confiscation, the Green New Deal, banning fracking, and decriminalizing illegal immigration are just a few of the policies she previously embraced but now renounced.

And even the media is starting to get annoyed that Harris won’t take questions and explain why she held certain beliefs, why she no longer does, and what she plans to do in the next four years if voters send her to the White House.

This is what the Trump campaign figured would happen once voters got past the initial rush of Kamala Harris replacing President Joe Biden.

“We are witnessing a kind of out of body experience where we have suspended reality for a couple of weeks, and in that suspended reality, it’s almost like Kamala Harris never met Joe Biden, you know, they were passing acquaintances,” Trump’s chief pollster Tony Fabrizio told reporters.

The polling in a week or so may show Harris’ bounce subsiding.

But Harris is likely to get another one coming out of the Democrat National Convention.

The reality of the state of play in this race likely won’t be known until after Labor Day.

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