The Supreme Court blocked this awful Kamala Harris vote buying scam

Cat2 / Politics

Kurt Kaiser, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris got some bad news.

One of Kamala’s election secret weapons turned out to be a dud.

And the Supreme Court blocked this awful Kamala Harris vote buying scam.

Supreme Court blocks lawless student loan bailout scam

Democrats over-performed in the 2022 midterms in part because Joe Biden bought the voters of young Americans with a lawless $430 billion student loan bailout scheme.

Everyone – Joe Biden included – knew the plan was illegal.

And a 6-3 Supreme Court majority eventually struck it down.

But Biden and Kamala Harris didn’t give up.

Kamala and Biden concocted a new student loan bailout scheme to rollout just before the 2024 election.

This generational theft from Americans who either paid off their loans or never went to college or already paid off their student loans would turn – what Democrats hope – would be 8,000,000 student loan borrowers into Democrat voters.

The cost to taxpayers was $400 million.

And once again the Supreme Court stepped in to stop an obviously illegal wealth transfer.

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to immediately clear the way for the Biden administration’s new student loan relief and repayment plan, adding to uncertainty about the future of a program that would affect millions of borrowers and has become part of the sharp political debate over who is responsible for hefty tuition debt,” the Washington Post reports.

The Justices left in place an 8th Circuit Court of Appeals order blocking the scheme.

There were also noticeably no dissents from the liberal justices.

“The justices on Wednesday left in place a sweeping order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit that halts the program — and affects several older student-loan-forgiveness programs — while that court weighs the merits of one suit, brought by Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio and Oklahoma,” the Post added.

Conservatives celebrate

“This is the second time the Supreme Court has sided with my office against one of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ unlawful student loan cancellation schemes,” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey declared. 

Bailey trashed the idea Kamala and Biden tried to impose where working class Americans would pay off the debts of Harvard and Yale graduates.

“This court order is a stark reminder to the Biden-Harris Administration that Congress did not grant them the authority to saddle working Americans with $500 billion in someone else’s Ivy League debt. This is a huge win for every American who still believes in paying their own way,” Bailey added.

The bigger issue is the impact on the election.

Kamala Harris clearly wanted the government bailing out student loan debt this fall so grateful borrowers would reward her with their vote.

Those hopes are no more.

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