Nancy Pelosi just revealed how Joe Biden has been lying to Americans since the 1980s

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by US Department of Labor via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0,

High inflation is driving down Joe Biden’s approval ratings.

A recent YouGov poll showed his approval rating at a dismal 36 percent.

And Nancy Pelosi just revealed how Joe Biden has been lying to Americans since the 1980s.

Inflation is damaging Joe Biden’s approval rating

President Joe Biden’s dismal approval ratings have turned into a five-alarm fire for Democrats.

Despite Democrat lawfare, polls show former President Donald Trump is leading both nationally and in all of the critical swing states.

And polls also show the economy and inflation are the top issues facing voters heading into November.

According to a recent CBS poll, only 32 percent of voters feel that the economy is in “very or fairly good” shape whereas 63 percent say it’s in “very or fairly bad” shape.

The poll found the economy, 81 percent, and inflation, 75 percent, were the top two issues for voters.

According to researcher Jacki Kotiewicz, prices are up roughly 20 percent since Joe Biden took office in January of 2021.

“Average inflation under Biden is more than double the level seen under any of the last 4 presidents,” Kotiewicz wrote on X. “Y/Y inflation has been above 3% for 38 straight months, the longest period of high inflation since the late 1980s.”

Nancy Pelosi tells a big whopper

However, Biden’s allies are trying to convince Americans not to believe reality and to trust them when they say inflation is down.

In a recent appearance on MSNBC, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) tried to make the case that Biden was “reducing” inflation with his policies.

She also claimed that inflation would skyrocket if Trump wins another term in November.

“So then you look at something else, people are concerned about inflation,” Pelosi said. “16 Nobel laureates came out this week and said that if what’s-his-name [Donald Trump] were elected president, with his fiscal policies, inflation would just increase enormously in our country.” 

Pelosi even claimed that Biden was “leading the world in reducing inflation in our country.” 

She then pivoted to the Left’s favorite issue, so-called “climate change.”

“So, if you talk of any subject you can talk about, if you’re — young people care so much about another scientific issue, climate, saving the planet,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi exposes Joe Biden’s fib

But while pushing the climate change narrative, Pelosi slipped up and revealed how Joe Biden has been lying to Americans about the issue since the 1980s.

“Joe Biden is there, has been,” Pelosi said. “He was the first person in the Congress of the United States way back in the ’80s, even before I was there, to introduce a resolution calling for the Senate to address the climate crisis issue.”

Since the 1970s, the “experts” have been warning about an impending disaster due to climate change.

At first, they warned that an ice age was coming in the near future.

When that didn’t happen, they switched over to warn that global warming was melting the ice caps and would soon flood all coastal cities.

After their global cooling and global warming predictions didn’t come true, the Left switched over to using the term “climate change.”

They’ve been lying to Americans from day one.

And Nancy Pelosi just admitted that Joe Biden has long been part of the climate change propaganda being pushed on Americans.

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