Barack Obama is done with Joe Biden after one of his top fundraisers “divorced” Democrats with an unprecedented betrayal

Cat2 / Politics

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

It’s an open secret at this point that Barack Obama never wanted Joe Biden to become President.

He’s tried to put on a happy face and help his former Vice President as he struggles through his re-election campaign.

But now Barack Obama is done with Joe Biden after one of his top fundraisers “divorced” Democrats with an unprecedented betrayal.

Obama tried

Back in August 2019, just weeks after Democrats completed their second Presidential Primary debate of the 2020 Election cycle, The New York Times released a rather interesting report that extensively detailed the behind-the-scenes relationship between former President Barack Obama and his former Vice President, then-Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

While the report unequivocally exposed Democrats and their media allies’ narrative that the Obama-Biden relationship was some sort of close, personal “bromance” as a fraud, it also revealed that the former President actively worked to stop Biden from ever running for President.

The Times report revealed that Obama not only “pressured” Biden to sit out the 2016 election, but also “took pains to cast his doubts about the [2020] campaign.”

“You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama told Biden, per The New York Times.

Nevertheless, as The Times noted, the current Democrat President ignored his former boss because he believed he’d “never forgive himself if he turned down a second shot at [former President Donald] Trump.”

Of course, since Biden decided to make the leap into the 2020 Presidential race, Obama has put his doubts about the Democrat President’s ability aside to publicly support his campaign.

But it’s clear that the former President is nearing his breaking point with Biden’s failures.

And now, he may finally throw in the towel after one of his former top fundraisers made the shocking decision to not only “divorce” Democrats, but to also support Trump.

Biden is literally killing his own Party

During a recent interview with Fox News host Jesse Watters, Allison Huynh, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who raised millions of dollars for Obama’s two Presidential campaigns from her Big Tech contacts, explained that there wasn’t one breaking point for her with Biden and Democrats, but rather, “a series of things.”

“Like any divorce, there’s not just one thing, there’s a series of things that led up to it,” Huynh explained.

She went on to add that Democrats are “policing the wrong things.”

“The Democrats were policing the wrong things,” Huynh said. “The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores.”

After hosting Democrat fundraisers that cost $50,000 to $100,000 per person to attend, Huynh told The New York Times in a separate interview that while she now identifies as an Independent, she recently attended a Trump fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago.

Huynh told The Times that she left that fundraiser “surprised” with how “light and funny and intelligent” the former President came off.

“I was happy with how knowledgeable Trump is about what is going on with the country and the economy,” Huynh told the outlet. “He had the information. He is all there with the things that matter: education – his kids are well-educated – fighting crime, immigration, and business.”

Of course, Huynh is one of many now-former Democrats who are fleeing the Party as a result of President Biden’s failures.

Former Democrat donor Jacob Helberg, who serves on the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, also recently revealed that he now supports Trump because he’s seen “the Democratic Party get hijacked by the Squad and woke theology.”

Barack Obama may not be able to put on a brave face much longer as Joe Biden continues to drive voters right into the arms of Donald Trump.

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