A Florida woman just learned a tough lesson about giving her husband fast food for his birthday

Cat2 / Culture

Michael Rivera, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Researchers believe the first birthday party took place in Egypt around the year 3,000 B.C.

Most Americans still celebrate their special day with a birthday dinner and presents.

But this Florida woman just learned a tough lesson about giving her husband fast food for his birthday.

Birthdays are a longtime tradition

Humans have celebrated birthdays for thousands of years.

The ancient Egyptians and Greeks celebrated the birthday of the gods they worshiped by lighting candles as a form of protection.

This eventually expanded to celebrating the birthdays of friends and family members as well.

Along with lighting candles, family and friends of the birthday person would gather around them and protect them from harm through the use of good cheers, thoughts, and wishes, which is where the idea of making a “birthday wish” comes from.

Since gifts help bring more good cheer, they thought it would help ward off more evil spirits.

Romans had a special birthday for when one turned 50 years old.

“Any Roman turning 50 years old would receive a special cake baked with wheat flour, olive oil, grated cheese, and honey,” Pumpitupparty.com reported. “But an important thing to note is that only men would experience this birthday celebration. Female birthdays were not celebrated until about the 12th century.”

Of course, some people don’t take their birthdays seriously and think of it as just another day on the calendar.

Others expect to at least receive a lot of “Happy Birthday” messages from their friends and family members.

Florida man has a bad birthday

And one dentist in Florida just found out that her husband believes he deserves more than fast food on his birthday.

34-year-old Esha Persad and her husband Shiva have been married for five years.

Shiva recently celebrated his 35th birthday.

To celebrate his special day, Esha brought home Taco Bell and McDonald’s to celebrate his birthday dinner.

But this sent Shiva through the roof and an argument erupted between the married couple.

That’s why Esha picked up a soft shell taco and struck her husband across the face with it.

The affidavit notes that “the burrito was still on the victim’s face” when cops arrived on the scene.

“The defendant and the victim were having an argument about the defendant getting the victim Taco Bell and McDonald’s for his birthday,” the affidavit says. “The defendant then threw a soft shell taco at the victim, which struck the victim on the right side of the face.”

Of course, he was not injured by the taco.

Esha told the cops that Shiva first threw the bag of food at her, but he denied the allegations.

Police arrested Esha on a battery charge and took her to the local jail where she was later released.

Shiva did have a point.

It’s his birthday and his wife brought home fast food from two horrible places.

Perhaps next time she will cook Shiva the meal of his dreams.

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