An undercover video exposed this secret plan by a group of generals to sabotage Trump’s Presidency

Donald Trump’s first term saw deep state agents scheme to investigate and impeach Donald Trump.
Americans hoped a second Trump term would be different.
But now an undercover video exposed this secret plan by generals to sabotage Trump’s Presidency.
James O’Keefe released his latest undercover video sting.
This drop was a doozy.
O’Keefe posted a video of one of his journalists recording a conversation with Department of Defense advisor Jamie Mannina.
BREAKING VIDEO: Top Pentagon Advisor Reveals On Hidden Camera Conversation “with a Couple of Retired Generals to Explore What We Can Do” to ‘Protect People from Trump’
Confirms Secret Meetings regarding AI: “That is sensitive information… We’re going to have to keep it between…
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 15, 2025
Mannina spilled the beans on his secret work with generals – some of whom were four star in rank – to undermine Donald Trump’s Presidency.
“I’ve been in conversation with a couple of retired generals to explore what we can do,” Jamie Mannina, advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, former FBI Special Agent, and self-proclaimed “spy hunter,” disclosed to an undercover OMG Journalist his plans to utilize irregular strategies to undermine Donald Trump’s Presidency,” O’Keefe wrote.
O’Keefe said that Mannina revealed that he worked with a 501(c)(4) group to scare the American people into thinking Donald Trump would threaten America.
Mannina also described his “ghost writing” with a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization, National Security Leaders for America, saying, “What we were doing was we were trying to explain to the American people the national security consequences of another Trump presidency.”
O’Keefe then went on to relay how Mannina described the high ranking generals he worked with on a plot to defeat Trump during the election.
“He elaborated on his recent activities, saying, “Since the spring, I was working with these retired generals, retired ambassadors,” adding, “They’re like one, two, or three-star generals and admirals. You probably know maybe four stars.” He acknowledged the organization’s ultimate goal, emphasizing, “This organization tried to defeat Donald Trump,” O’Keefe added,” O’Keefe continued.
O’Keefe went on to report that Mannina revealed he and the generals met in a room to plot against Trump that they dubbed “the tank” after the nickname given to the room where the Joint Chiefs of Staff meet.
“Mannina further revealed that he was participating in a “huge meeting with military leaders; in a very secure room called ‘The Tank.’” The Tank is a nickname for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Conference room which is a (SCIF), a Compartmentalized Information Facility,” O’Keefe stated.
These generals met in secret and worked through a 501c(4)to disguise their involvement in a plot against Trump.
Retired generals can engage in political activities.
But most choose not to – and these generals did so clandestinely – because they know if Americans see generals working on behalf or against a political candidate it gives the impression to the public that the military is now knee deep in partisan politics.
O’Keefe then reported that the Pentagon terminated Mannina’s employment.
See below the email response @OKeefeMedia received from Joint Staff Public Affairs Spokesman Joseph Holstead regarding Jamie Mannina’s termination:
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 15, 2025