A shocking Jill Biden video left everyone asking one major question

Cat2 / Politics

Cheriss May, CC BY 3.0 US https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/deed.en, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats want Americans to forget that Joe and Jill Biden are still in the White House.

There is a good reason for that.

And a shocking Jill Biden video left everyone asking one major question.

Jill Biden chairs a cabinet meeting

President Joe Biden held his first cabinet meeting in 11 months.

It began with a strange scene.

Joe Biden – who appeared out of it – turned the meeting over to First Lady Jill Biden to lead it.

As many people voted for Jill Biden as voted for Vice President Kamala Harris.

And that is to say zero.

Yet Jill Biden is apparently in charge of the government and Kamala took Joe Biden’s place as the Democrat Party nominee for President.

Conservatives immediately realized something was wrong.

“Jill Biden just chaired a cabinet meeting and the ‘democracy is on the ballot’ people are saying nothing,” Commentary Magazine’s John Podhoretz wrote.

“Oh neat, an unelected person married to the mostly incapacitated elected president is overseeing the first Cabinet meeting in forever. Does anyone have any questions about this?” Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham asked. “It’s all extremely normal.”

Jill Biden’s stepped-up role

Jill Biden isn’t just running cabinet meetings.

The First Lady is also now announcing administration policy.

She appeared at the Clinton Global Initiative and announced a new $500 million Defense Department initiative on women’s health.

“The additional government spending will mainly come from the Department of Defense, which provides medical care to more than 230,000 active-duty military women and nearly 2 million military retirees, as well as their family members. The research will focus on why these women experience endocrine, hematological, and other immunity-related disorders twice as often as men,” Voice of America reported.

“Our nation is home to the best health research in the world, yet women’s health is understudied and research is underfunded,” Biden declared. “And we still know too little about how to effectively prevent, diagnose, and treat a range of health conditions in women, from heart disease to cancers.”

The left-wing media averted their eyes and pretended not to see what was happening.

That’s because covering this story would force Kamala Harris to answer questions about when she knew Joe Biden was too senile to carry on as the Democrat Party nominee for President, why he should be allowed to continue to serve as Commander in Chief and why she hasn’t gathered the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

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