Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez owes Donald Trump an apology for one despicable display

Cat2 / Politics

Dimitri Rodriguez, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tried to defend Kamala Harris.

But she only succeeded in making matters worse.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez owes Donald Trump an apology for one despicable display.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gaslights on the border crisis

The city of Aurora, Colorado, hired the law firm of Perkins Coie – the same firm the Clinton campaign laundered payments to Fusion GPS through for the Steele dossier – to produce a report on claims that a Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua took over apartment buildings within the city.

Former U.S. Attorney T. Markus Funk prepared the document which found merit to the stories.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ success in the election depends on the media brainwashing Americans into thinking true stories are false and that whatever former President Donald Trump says about the border is a conspiracy theory or misinformation.

The Perkins Coie report rendered that strategy with regards to Aurora inoperable.

But that didn’t stop Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) from attempting a creative effort at spin.

During a recent Congressional hearing, Ocasio-Cortez whined that so many criminal illegal aliens poured into America – not because Kamala Harris opened the border – but due to Trump sanctioning the Venezuelan communist dictator Nicolas Maduro’s regime.

“We should be eliminating the reasons why people are seeking refuge in the first place. Under the Trump administration, Donald Trump participated in what we saw in Venezuela and many of the regime change activities that were happening there,” Ocasio-Cortez began.

“And what we saw most desperately are the horrific sanctions that were placed not targeting specifically the Maduro regime, but the Venezuelan people, innocent Venezuelan people that are being starved of food and basic resources,” Ocasio-Cortez added.

The truth Ocasio-Cortez ignores

Kamala opening the floodgates for asylum claims once illegal aliens reach the border is the true reason for the crisis.

Once an asylum claim is granted, the illegal alien gets put on the express lane for amnesty which leads to American citizenship and voting rights.

It also takes years for an asylum claim to play out in courts and the Kamala policy of catch and release means illegal aliens live in America for years.

Ocasio-Cortez baselessly blamed Donald Trump for destabilizing Venezuela and pretended that price controls that the communist government imposed – the same price controls Kamala would like to foist on America – were what wrecked the economy.

“That is what is contributing to a destabilizing environment and part of what they are fleeing. And that is not to conflate the Venezuelan people with the Maduro regime, because I oppose the anti-democratic measures in which even just recently in the election, Maduro’s refusal to make public the results of a free and fair election,” Ocasio-Cortez continued.

Donald Trump left behind a secure border.

Kamala Harris created new magnets to invite a record wave of illegal immigration into America.

This is the inconvenient truth Ocasio-Cortez glossed over.

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