Joe Biden is about to go to war with Nancy Pelosi to settle this old score

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Nancy Pelosi forced Joe Biden out of the Presidential race.

It’s one of the few things he hasn’t forgotten.

And now Joe Biden is about to go to war with Nancy Pelosi to settle this old score.

Joe Biden makes it clear he still resents Nancy Pelosi for ending his political career

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) mobilized donors and elected officials to withdraw their support and force President Joe Biden to drop out of the race following his disastrous June 27 debate performance.

Pelosi and Biden had been friends and allies for 40 years.

But in a rare public appearance on ABC’s The View, Biden let it show that he’s not ready to let bygones be bygones over Pelosi ending his time on stage with the narrative being he was a senile old man destined to lose to former President Donald Trump.

Co-host and RINO Alyssa Farrah Griffin asked Biden if he resented the way Pelosi publicly humiliated him into quitting the race.

“Mr. President. We all agree at this table it was very selfless of you to pass the baton and step aside. There was a perception that perhaps your hand was forced and some pointed fingers to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who you have a long relationship with and accomplished many things with. Did you feel that your hand was forced? And what is your relationship with Speaker Pelosi now?” Griffin asked.

In one breath, Biden tried to claim everything was hunky dory with Pelosi.

“Our relationship is fine,” Biden began. “Look I never fully believed the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance of my running again. I didn’t sense that. And although the polling, they said Biden’s polling was different, the fact of the matter is my polling was about where, you know, we’re always within range of beating this guy…It makes sense. “

But in the next breath, Biden admitted “some folks” – i.e. Pelosi and former President Barack Obama – wanted to force him out of the race because they lost all faith in his ability to win.

He then absurdly tried to argue that he stepped aside because of his age and not because polls showed him doomed to a landslide loss against Trump.

“There are some folks who would like to see me step aside so they have a chance to move on. I get that, that’s human nature. But that wasn’t the reason that I stepped down. I stepped down because I started thinking about it. You know, it’s hard to think. I know you’re only 30…It’s hard for me to even say how old I am,” Biden concluded.

Biden’s allies are angry at Pelosi

If Biden sounded like he didn’t forget what Nancy Pelosi did to him, he wasn’t the only one.

Resentment towards Pelosi is a common feeling in Bidenworld.

Back in August, top advisor Anita Dunn sounded like she was taking a page out of the Godfather movie and was ready to settle all family business with Pelosi.

“Revenge is a dish best served cold,” Dunn told POLITICO.

Nancy Pelosi orchestrated Biden’s ouster from the Presidential race.

Joe Biden and his inner circle haven’t forgotten.

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