John Fetterman tried to pull a fast one on Donald Trump that you won’t believe

Democrat Senator John Fetterman blindsided Washington.
Fetterman wanted to make a splash and succeeded.
And John Fetterman tried to pull a fast one on Donald Trump that you won’t believe.
Pennsylvania was emblematic of the country’s shift to the right in the 2024 election.
Trump carried Pennsylvania by nearly two points.
That represented a three-point shift from 2020.
John Fetterman is eying 2028.
Fetterman will either run for re-election in an increasingly red state or seek the Presidency.
As a Senator from a Trump state, Fetterman wants to pitch himself to general election voters as someone who got the message of the general election.
But Fetterman tried to do so on his own terms.
In past interviews, Fetterman has rejected the idea that Democrats needed to ditch woke policies like transgender surgeries for children.
Instead, Fetterman is betting he can gaslight voters into thinking he’s moved to the middle with how he presents himself rhetorically.
Fetterman tried to cast himself as a Trump admirer in an interview with ABC’s left-wing anchor Jonathan Karl.
“You have a singular political talent. It’s un-undeniable,” Fetterman said of Trump.
Fetterman praised Trump’s wherewithal to create the iconic “Fight! Fight! Fight!” moment after surviving an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.
“You know, he had the energy and almost a sense of fearlessness to just say all those kinds of things. And people, it’s, it’s undeniable that it has an entertaining aspect for that too, and just if you’re not afraid to say all of those things, or, and after you survived an assassination, you literally were shot in your head and had the presence of mind to respond, you know, ‘fight, fight, fight,’” Fetterman continued.
Fetterman also took issue with how Kamala Harris closed her campaign with the message being that Donald Trump is a fascist, and how offensive that was to regular voters.
“A lot of Democrats, especially in my state that I know and I happen to love people that [voted] for Trump and they are not fascists,” Fetterman added.
Fetterman said the explanation for Trump’s win was simple.
Voters simply concluded his policies made their lives better and Kamala Harris’ made theirs worse.
“I think people are going to decide who is the candidate that’s going to protect and project my version of the American way of life. And that’s what happened,” Fetterman stated.
Fetterman also wanted viewers to know he was rooting for Trump and that it was un-American to wish for the President to fail.
“I hope, because I’m not rooting against him. If you are rooting against the president, you are rooting against the nation, and I’m not ever going to be where I want a president to fail. So, country first,” Fetterman concluded.
Fetterman ran for Senate in 2022 as a Bernie Sanders ideologue.
That won’t fly in Pennsylvania in 2028, as the state continues to shift right.
In the month after the 2024 election, Democrat voter registration fell by 2,000 while Republicans gained another 7,000 voters.
Fetterman wants to keep voting like a hardcore leftist and Fetterman is gambling that a moderate presentation and tone will disguise his true beliefs.