Barack Obama faced this awful reality after the election that left him in a bad spot

Barack Obama was the most powerful figure in the Democrat Party.
The outcome of the election left him questioning everything.
And Barack Obama faced this awful reality after the election that left him in a bad spot.
Barack Obama’s days as a political powerbroker are coming to an end
Former President Barack Obama played a major role in the 2024 Election.
He worked tirelessly to keep President-elect Donald Trump from returning to the White House.
Obama partnered with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to pressure President Joe Biden to drop out of the race after his disastrous debate.
He and former First Lady Michelle Obama were heavily involved in Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign.
2024 was the most active Obama has been on the campaign trail since his 2012 re-election.
But it was all for nothing.
Democrat strategist Julian Epstein told Fox News that there is a day of reckoning coming for Obama and the old guard in the Democrat Party.
“I think there are going to be big demands for a greater reckoning,” Epstein explained. “The Democratic politburo – Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and others – all participated in the obvious lie that Biden was capable of a second term, in the anti-Democratic move to install a wholly untested Vice President Harris. And in lacking the courage for the past four years to stand up a progressive Left whose policies are far out of touch with most voters.”
“They all failed the test of leadership in this respect,” Epstein added.
Obama was once a political force of nature who excited young voters and minorities.
Those voters shifted toward Trump in this election in historic numbers.
The Obama who excited voters during his two Presidential campaigns was replaced by an old man with gray hair who couldn’t move the electorate.
His message of hope and change was replaced with scolding voters for not supporting Kamala.
Democrats are ready to move on from Obama
Obama was once the most beloved and influential figure in the Democrat Party, but in the aftermath of the election, some are ready to rethink his role moving forward.
MSNBC called for Democrats to ignore him in what would have been a once unthinkable move.
The former President spoke at the 2024 Obama Democracy Forum which prompted MSNBC to publish an article called, “Obama still doesn’t get why Trump won. That’s the problem.”
“Obama’s characteristic rhetorical virtues were on full display. “But there was a massive gaping hole at the center of his speech. He still doesn’t understand why his eight years in power culminated in the rise of Trump,” MSNBC argued.
The piece said that the best decision going forward would be for Democrats to “stop listening to Barack Obama.”
Democrats are searching for answers after Kamala suffered the worst loss for one of the party’s Presidential candidates since former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis in the 1988 Election.
A Biden advisor blamed Obama’s team for Democrats’ problems in the 2024 Election.
”There is no singular reason why we lost, but a big reason is because the Obama advisers publicly encouraged Democratic infighting to push Joe Biden out, didn’t even want Kamala Harris as the nominee, and then signed up as the saviors of the campaign, only to run outdated Obama-era playbooks for a candidate that wasn’t Obama,” a former Biden advisor told Politico.
Barack Obama is becoming yesterday’s news to Democrats after he lost his touch.