Donald Trump has doubled his support among the one demographic that could make Joe Biden a one-term President

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats are in panic mode.

Polls show Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden at the national level and in the top swing states.

And Donald Trump has doubled his support among the one demographic that could make Joe Biden a one-term President.

Danger ahead for the Biden campaign

President Joe Biden is in trouble.

The overwhelming majority of Americans already believe that he is too old and senile to serve another four years in the Oval Office.

But his age and mental fitness are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to obstacles facing him.

There’s also the border crisis, where Joe Biden has allowed record numbers of illegal aliens to enter the country since he took office in January of 2021.

There’s the floundering economy, as millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet due to Bidenflation.

And there’s skyrocketing crime and his bungling of foreign policy.

Biden knows he doesn’t have a record of accomplishments to run on this fall, which is why he’s been waging lawfare against former President Donald Trump.

Joe Biden losing support with black voters

But now Joe Biden is bleeding support from the one demographic that he can’t win re-election without.

And that is black voters.

Black voters have been the most loyal voting bloc in the Democrat Party.

Democrats have historically been able to count on winning roughly 90% of the black vote in any given election.

That started to change with Donald Trump.

Biden only beat him by 87 to 12 percent with black voters in 2020.

A new poll from CBS shows that Trump has doubled his support among black voters in recent months.

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll published this week, Donald Trump is at 23 percent among black voters, which is nearly double what he won in 2020.

This shows that Trump’s efforts to court black voters are working.

Earlier this month, Trump launched a new group specifically for targeting black voters.

“Former President Donald Trump’s campaign launched its Black voter coalition group Saturday, the clearest effort yet by Trump to target a voting bloc that has overwhelmingly supported Democrats in past elections but has been unusually open to Trump in public polling,” NBC News reported. 

“The announcement came ahead of a community roundtable event at 180 Church, a predominantly Black worship center in Detroit,” NBC continued. “Among the Black Republicans present at the Trump event were former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson and Reps. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., and John James, R-Mich.”

Donald Trump increasing his support among black voters has CNN analysts in a frenzy.

CNN data analyst Harry Enten recently admitted that he was “speechless” by Trump’s surging support in the black community.

“Oh my, I’ve just never seen anything like this,” Enten said. “I’m like speechless.”

Even the left-wing talking heads at CNN realize Joe Biden is in trouble.

And losing the black vote could make him a one-term President.

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