One Supreme Court Justice just sold out Donald Trump to Jack Smith

Cat2 / Politics

Kurt Kaiser, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme Court is Donald Trump’s firewall against the un-American lawfare waged against him by Biden-Harris administration prosecutor Jack Smith.

Smith wants to interfere in the election to help Kamala Harris defeat Trump.

And now one Supreme Court Justice just sold out Donald Trump to Jack Smith.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett goes rogue

Justice Amy Coney Barrett was former President Donald Trump’s third Supreme Court nomination.

Barrett replacing the deceased Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg cemented a 6-3 majority on the court that conservatives fought since the 1970s to see come to fruition.

Right off the bat, there were problems.

In Barrett’s first term on the bench, she joined the court’s leftists to refuse to hear the case of a Christian florist facing government sanctions for not providing flowers for a homosexual wedding.

The concerns about Barrett only grew louder this term.

Barrett agreed with the court’s leftists on a case allowing the government to deny Americans not yet convicted of a crime their Second Amendment rights.

The worst came, however, in the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling.

While Barrett joined the court’s five other conservatives on the overall ruling that Presidents had immunity from criminal prosecution for core Constitutional acts and presumptive immunity for official acts, Barrett voted with the leftists on an important point.

Barrett rejected the majority ruling that prosecutors couldn’t use official acts as evidence in a criminal prosecution of a former President.

And Barrett also agreed with Special Counsel Jack Smith that the so-called “fake elector” legal challenge – where Trump’s campaign submitted alternate slates of electors to preserve the ability in court to contest results – was somehow criminal.

Jack Smith seizes on Barrett’s ruling

Justice Barrett cracked the door open.

And Jack Smith kicked it right down.

The Supreme Court immunity ruling sent Smith’s January 6 indictment back to trial Judge Tanya Chutkan.

The clear implication of the ruling was that the justices expected Smith to narrow or even withdraw his bogus indictment against Trump.

Instead, Smith kept all the politically-motivated charges in place.

In his 165-page brief to Judge Chutkan arguing that all of the charges he filed against Trump fell under the rubric of an official act, Smith quotes Justice Barrett’s opinion in the immunity ruling.

“The defendant’s conduct with respect to the elector scheme is inherently private, and not subject to immunity,” Smith wrote quoting Barrett.

“Sorting private from official conduct sometimes will be difficult—but not always. Take the President’s alleged attempt to organize alternative slates of electors. In my view, that conduct is private and therefore not entitled to protection,” Smith added.

Republicans watched in horror as previous “conservative” Supreme Court nominees like Antony Kennedy, David Souter, and John Roberts drifted to the Left.

And many conservatives are worried that Amy Coney Barrett is the next conservative justice who spends their tenure on the bench voting with the Left in the hopes of winning newfound respect from the Democrat Party and the media.

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