Nikki Haley went on Fox News and sabotaged Donald Trump at the worst possible time

Nikki Haley continues to run hot and cold when it comes to her support of former president Donald Trump.
The former South Carolina Governor looks to be hedging her bets.
And now Nikki Haley went on Fox News and sabotaged Donald Trump at the worst possible time.
Nikki Haley undercuts Donald Trump
RINO former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley endorsed Donald Trump and supposedly wants him to win.
No one would have known that by watching her recent appearance on Fox News.
Haley appeared on Bret Baier’s show and went completely off message.
Surrogates are supposed to amplify the campaign’s themes and keep the focus on the opponent.
Instead, Nikki Haley used this interview to drive an anti -Trump news cycle.
“I don’t agree with Trump 100% of the time, but I don’t agree with Kamala Harris on anything,” Haley said as to why she was endorsing Trump.
Baier asked Haley about other RINOs like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger supporting Kamala Harris and wondered what the Trump campaign was doing to win over her supporters from the primary.
“You know, the Harris campaign is utilizing some Republicans who have come to support her, including former Congresswoman Liz Cheney. Clearly, a lot of analysts think they are going after voters who supported you in the primary. The Associated Press says, “As Democrats court Haley supporters, the former U.N. ambassador is still waiting to hear from Trump.” When was the last time you talked to the former president?” Baier asked.
Haley could have said Trump was courting her voters by driving the message that anyone who wants a secure border, growing economy and peace through strength in foreign policy should back his campaign.
Instead, Haley sowed division and signaled to her supporters not to back Donald Trump.
“Last time I talked to him was back in June,” Haley replied.
Will Haley campaign with Trump?
“So, are you surprised that you haven’t been deployed out to campaign? Or have you volunteered to go out and campaign for him directly?” Baier wondered.
Haley put the onus on Trump to reach out to her.
“They’re very aware that we’re on standby,” Haley answered. “They know that we would be there to help. I’ve helped with some fundraising letters and text messages and those types of things, so we’ve done that. But look, we are on the same team. It is their campaign’s decision on what he needs in these last final days. It does not bother me at all.”
Haley then chided Trump for campaign messaging that was too “masculine” and claimed Trump needed to do more to reach out to women.
“I think they need to do what they need to do to get across the finish line. I just think that they need to focus primarily on who it is they’re talking to,” Haley continued.
“This is not a time for them to get overly masculine with this bromance thing that they’ve got going,” Haley concluded. “Fifty-three percent of the electorate are women. Women will vote. They care about how they are being talked to and they care about the issues. They need to remember that.”
Haley is playing a long game.
The purpose of this appearance was to seed the ground to run as an “I told you so” establishment RINO in 2028 if Trump loses.