Nancy Pelosi was steaming mad after Jon Stewart exposed this horrible crime

Nancy Pelosi has been a leader in the Democrat Party for decades.
But her future has never been in more doubt.
And Nancy Pelosi was steaming mad after Jon Stewart exposed this horrible crime.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accuses Democrats of insider trading
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have had a long-running feud since the socialist Congresswoman was elected in 2018.
The feud is still as bitter as ever after Pelosi worked behind the scenes to lobby Democrats against voting for Ocasio-Cortez to be the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.
She lost the spot on the Committee to 74-year-old Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA) – an ally of Pelosi’s.
There have been growing calls for Democrats to pass the torch to younger leaders after the election.
Ocasio-Cortez is trying to position herself as a leader in the party during President Donald Trump’s second term.
She took aim at the old guard in her party by accusing House Democrats of insider trading during an appearance on comedian Jon Stewart’s Weekly Show podcast.
“There needs to be Democrats who walk the walk and talk the talk,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “There is an insane amount of hypocrisy, and the hypocrisy is what gets exploited to use the cynicism and wherever there’s a hypocritical window. For example, I think one of the biggest examples of this is insider trading in Congress.”
Pelosi and her husband, Paul, have long been the poster children for insider trading because of their remarkable success trading stocks.
Stewart said that he couldn’t agree more with the insider trading problem in Congress.
Ocasio-Cortez has introduced legislation to ban members of Congress from trading stocks while they’re in office.
This was a not-so-subtle shot at her old rival Pelosi.
Ocasio-Cortez takes a swing at the Democrat establishment
The socialist Congresswoman pointed out that the public knows this illegal practice is happening in plain sight.
“It’s so crazy. I mean, like, it’s the end of the thing. Like, people think that everyday people are stupid. I’m like, ‘Do you all really think that people don’t see this s***?’” Ocasio-Cortez asked.
Stewart argued that lawmakers get access to a wealth of inside knowledge by regulating the companies from the various committees they serve on and having a heads up on pending bills.
“You run the casino!” Stewart exclaimed.
“And then we’re supposed to act like money only corrupts Republicans?” Ocasio-Cortez replied. “Give me a f***ng break!”
Ocasio-Cortez famously wants the government to pay off her remaining student loans by canceling all student loan debt.
The Democrat Party’s establishment has become a popular punching bag after the 2024 Election.
Pelosi, former President Joe Biden, and other older Democrats are on their way out of power, so it’s safe to take shots at them.
Democrats don’t have a leader at the start of Trump’s Presidency and Ocasio-Cortez wants to fill the void.
Her appearance on Stewart’s podcast added fuel to the fire that she could be a potential Presidential candidate in 2028.
The notoriously unpatriotic Ocasio-Cortez had an American flag displayed prominently in the background during her appearance.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ready to seize the mantle of leadership as Democrats try to chart a path forward during Trump’s Presidency.