Maxine Waters demanded Melania Trump meet this unspeakable fate

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters can’t contain her hatred for Donald Trump.
That Trump Derangement Syndrome took Waters to an ugly place.
And Maxine Waters demanded Melania Trump meet this unspeakable fate.
Maxine Waters veered into authoritarian demagoguery at an anti-DOGE protest.
Rather than just rant and rave about her opposition to slashing spending and chopping big government down to size, Waters couldn’t contain her disdain for not just President Trump, but his wife as well.
President Trump signed an executive order ending birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens.
This executive order ends the abusive practice of anchor babies.
It also eliminates a magnet that draws illegal aliens to the United States.
If there is one thing the Democrat Party has made perfectly clear is that its number one policy plank is that as many illegal aliens as possible need to remain in the United States of America.
An enraged Waters ranted that if President Trump wanted to end birthright citizenship, then Democrats should deport Melania Trump the next time they are in power.
“When he [Trump] talks about birthright, and he’s going to undo the fact that the Constitution allows those who are born here, even if the parents are undocumented, they have a right to stay in America. If he wants to start looking so closely to find those who were born here and their parents were undocumented, maybe he ought to first look at Melania,” Waters raged.
Waters then falsely claimed Melania Trump’s parents were illegal aliens.
“We don’t know whether or not her parents were documented. And maybe we better just take a look,” she added.
Melania Trump’s parents became naturalized U.S. citizens during President Trump’s first term in office after Melania Trump sponsored them for green cards and citizenship after she became a naturalized citizen in 2006.
“The first lady sponsored her parents, who were also from current-day Slovenia, for green cards and then citizenship after securing her own citizenship,” the New York Times reported in 2018.
The language of the 14th Amendment reads that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
Congress wrote this language following the Civil War to reverse the incorrectly decided Dred Scott case and confer citizenship on the newly freed slaves.
The idea it would one day be used as a reward for illegal aliens to break American law never would have occurred to the drafters of the 14th Amendment.
President Trump’s executive order states that stripping birthright citizenship only narrowly applies to future children of illegal aliens.
No one currently in the United States will lose citizenship.
But Democrats are so enraged by the fact that any avenue to import more illegal aliens into America that it’s leading to hateful and false attacks on Melania Trump.