Karoline Leavitt went to war with this rogue judge

Democrat activists dressed up as judges are now waging lawfare against President Trump.
The President and his supporters decided enough was enough.
And now Karoline Leavitt went to war with this rogue judge.
Judge William Alsup is the latest district court magistrate to declare himself the supreme authority in America and relegate the President to a subordinate middle manager that reports to him.
Alsup issued a ruling granting him the power to decide which federal bureaucrats President Trump is allowed to fire.
As President, Trump is the head of the executive branch and according to Article II of the Constitution all executive branch power is vested in him.
Alsup threw the Constitution out the window with an opinion that established himself as a single district court judge in a single city as the head of what amounted to human resources for the federal government that had the ability to order President Trump to rehire bureaucrats he fired as part of reduction in force measures.
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt slammed Alsup’s order and promised the White House would fight back.
The fake news media badgered her with questions about if that meant the administration planned to “deft” Alsup’s order and create a so-called constitutional crisis.
Leavitt fired back pointing out that the constitutional crisis was already here thanks to rogue judges like Alsup trying to dictate federal policy and override the will of the voters.
“Fighting back by appealing, fighting back by using the full weight of the White House Counsel’s Office and our lawyers at the federal government who believe that this injunction is entirely unconstitutional,” Leavitt stated.
Leavitt explained that a district court judge – who holds a position created by Congress and not the Constitution – has no authority to assert supremacy over the President in terms of policy making.
“And it is, for anybody who has a basic understanding of the law. You cannot have a low-level district court judge filing an injunction to usurp the executive authority of the President of the United States. That is completely absurd!” Leavitt continued.
Left-wing activist judges are on the warpath against Trump, and in the first month of the Trump administration district court judges slapped Trump with 15 nationwide injunctions, more than were handed down in the first three years of Biden’s Presidency.
“And as I just cited, I was appalled by the statistic when I saw it this morning. In three, or in one month, in February, there have been 15 injunctions of this administration and our agenda.” Leavitt stated. “In three years under the Biden administration, there were 14 injunctions.”
Democrats are using the judiciary to wage partisan lawfare against President Trump the same way they deployed partisan prosecutors against candidate Trump.
“So it’s very clear that there are judicial activists throughout our judicial branch who are trying to block this president’s executive authority,” Leavitt exclaimed.
But just like candidate Trump overcame the lawfare in the 2024 election, Leavitt promised President Trump would emerge victorious in these legal battles as well.
“We are going to fight back. And as anyone who saw President Trump and his legal team fighting back, they know how to do it. He was indicted nearly 200 times and he’s in the Oval Office now because of all of the indictments, all of these injunctions have always been unconstitutional and unfair,” Leavitt concluded.