Joe Biden is threatening to jail members of the military for this awful reason

Cat1 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joe Biden’s woke takeover of the armed services is nearly complete.

This crusade puts America at risk.

And now Joe Biden is threatening to jail members of the military for this awful reason.

Biden administration could court martial service members for using the wrong pronouns

The U.S. military is one of the few institutions the Left doesn’t control.

Woke generals like former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley sat at the top of the pyramid.

But the rank-and-file are largely still conservatives.

And Republicans see a concerted effort to purge the military of anyone who opposes the Left.

The latest attempt to turn the military into a carbon copy of the weaponized FBI came in the form of a 2020 law that allows commanders to subject service members to court martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for using the wrong pronoun.

Assistant professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point Thomas Wheatley told the Daily Caller this new push to force preferred pronouns on the armed forces will come at a significant cost.

Wheatley said the Army “is right to want to protect the rights and welfare of its transgender service members. But it owes the same protection to those who share a different perspective on the issue, especially when that perspective is a deep-seated expression of personal conscience.”

However, the Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) program against sexual harassment and discrimination opens up the possibility of jailing service members by not playing along with the woke delusion that someone can change their gender.

Wheatley said this new law criminalizes “refusing to use another person’s self-identified pronouns, even when their refusal stems from principled religious conviction. This law applies to service members at all times and in all locations, even when they’re off duty and in the privacy of their off-post residence.”

This new policy could also lead to charges of conduct unbecoming of an officer.

“Is it now ‘unbecoming’ and incompatible with service as a commissioned officer to openly hold sincere religious convictions surrounding the act of creation and the nature of human sex?” Wheatley wondered.

Woke ideology threatens American national security

The Left’s ideological purity tests are imposing a massive cost on the military and American national security.

The armed forces fell short of its 2023 recruitment goal by 41,000.

The Defense Department’s acting undersecretary for personnel and readiness and senior manpower official Ashish Vazirani testified to the House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee that missing recruitment goals put the armed forces through a major stress test.

“That number understates the challenge before us as the services lowered [their] end-strength goals in recent years, in part because of the difficult recruiting environment,” Vazirani stated.

Vazirani warned “the all-volunteer force faces one of its greatest challenges since inception” in 1973. 

Military families traditionally come from rural and southern parts of the country. 

These areas typically lean conservative.

But the thought of undergoing woke brainwashing in order to serve in the military isn’t appealing to right-leaning Americans under penalty of jail.

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