Joe Biden will slam the panic button when he sees why these allies flipped on him

Cat1 / Joe Biden / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

By all measures, Joe Biden trails Donald Trump in the 2024 Election.

His hopes for a comeback just got some bad news.

And Joe Biden will slam the panic button when he sees why these allies flipped on him.

Typical Democrat voting blocs fracture over open borders.

Joe Biden opening the southern border to more than 7 million illegal aliens wasn’t just an attack on American sovereignty.

It’s also proving to be one of the biggest political blunders of all time.

For decades, Democrats could count on the loyalty of black and Hispanic voters to form the backbone of the Left’s political coalition.

That’s all changing.

Polls show an increasing number of black and Hispanic voters open to former President Donald Trump over the issue of immigration.

Democrat Party and media smear campaign fails

Democrats and the media thought if they just screamed “racist” at Trump loudly and long enough, black and Hispanic voters would vote for Democrats out of force of habit.

That play no longer works thanks to black and Hispanic Americans living with the consequences of Biden trafficking a historic number of illegal aliens into America.

A March AP-NORC poll found that 55 percent of black adults and 72 percent of Hispanic adults disapprove of Biden’s handling of the border.

Associated Press interviews found Democrats warming to the idea of voting for Trump.

Vetress Boyce is a Chicago resident furious that Democrats are making illegal aliens their number one priority as opposed to native-born Americans.

“They’re sending us people who are starving, the same way blacks are starving in this country. They’re sending us people who want to escape the conditions and come here for a better lifestyle when the ones here are suffering and have been suffering for over 100 years,” Boyce told the Associated Press. “That recipe is a mixture for disaster. It’s a disaster just waiting to happen.”

Gracie Martinez – a 52-year-old resident of Eagle Pass, Texas – voted for former President Barack Obama and still identifies as a Democrat but now backs Trump because of the border crisis.

“It’s horrible,” Martinez said in an interview with the Associated Press. “It’s tons and tons of people and they’re giving them medical and money, phones.”

55-year-old Priscilla Hesles of Eagle Pass, Texas, said she fears walking the streets after a hostile encounter with a gang of illegal aliens.

“We don’t know where they’re hiding. We don’t know where they’ve infiltrated into and where are they going to come out of,” Hesles stated.

 27-year-old bar owner Rudy Menchaca – also of Eagle Pass – said he could see himself voting for Trump based on Biden opening the border and backs Texas Governor Gregg Abbot deploying the National Guard to help secure the border.

“I need those soldiers to be around if I have my business,” Menchaca declared. “The bad ones that come in could break in.”

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