Ilhan Omar just hit Trump supporters with this unspeakable insult

Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar knows how to stir the pot.
But Omar never does so in a constructive manner.
Now Ilhan Omar just hit Trump supporters with this unspeakable insult.
Congressman Brandon Gill (R-TX) is circulating a petition online to deport Ilham Omar.
Gill accused Omar of criminal conduct in advising illegal aliens on how to evade ICE arrests.
“Recently, it came out that Ilhan Omar is hosting free workshops for Somalians, who are in our country illegally, on how to evade ICE and deportation. It could not be more blatant: Ilhan Omar is more loyal to illegal Somalians than she is to the United States, or the office she was elected to,” Gill wrote in an email to supporters.
CNN’s Pamela Brown asked Omar about Gill wanting her deported over advising illegal aliens on dodging ICE officers trying to arrest them.
Omar didn’t exactly deny the allegations.
“Yeah, I mean, again, you know, these are people who have really stopped caring about our institutions, really stopped caring about our Constitution. We know that folks who are here, whether they are documented or undocumented, we know whether you are a permanent resident or you are a citizen, you have constitutional rights, and it is really important for people to know those rights,” Omar claimed.
Border Czar Tom Homan asked the Justice Department if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez committed a crime when her office hosted a webinar on instructing illegal aliens on how to avoid arrest by ICE.
Omar claimed Gill was just feeding red meat to a base that Omar claimed is a bunch xenophobic racists.
“I know that it is red meat for his base that are xenophobic and racist to say to them that I am going to find a way to arrest and deport a member of Congress who he thinks is doing something wrong when I am doing the right thing in trying to make sure everybody that is within my constituency has the resources and the information that they need,” Omar added.
Brown was actually taken aback by Omar smearing 77 million Americans as racist and asked Omar what she really meant.
“But just to follow up very quickly, just to be clear, you’re not calling all of his base xenophobic and racist, right?” Brown inquired.
Without one moment of hesitation Ilhan Omar told Brown that she meant exactly what she said, she believed Donald Trump’s entire voting base was a collection of racists.
“Well, I mean, he is feeding something. He has a petition out. He’s getting donations. That’s what this is all about. He knows he can’t deport me. There is no grounds for my arrest. So this information is only being put out there by him for a reason, and that reason is because he has a base that feeds off of that,” Omar concluded.