Hillary Clinton revealed Melania Trump pulled off one surprise that stopped her cold in her tracks

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Zachary Moskow, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia

Former two-time failed Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton got thrown for a loop.

Her predicament involved a fellow former First Lady.

And Hillary Clinton revealed Melania Trump pulled off one surprise that stopped her cold in her tracks.

Clinton described a shocking meeting with Melania Trump

Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s The View to promote her new book Something Lost, Something Gained.

The book details the connection Clinton has with the other living former First Ladies including Melania Trump.

Clinton has a fraught relationship with Melania Trump.

Former President Donald Trump beat Clinton in 2016.

Clinton then invented the Russia collusion hoax that Democrats and the Deep State used to try and drive Trump from office and jail him.

The other living ex-Presidents – Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama – treat Donald Trump like a pariah.

And so Hillary Clinton was shocked to see Melania Trump attend the funeral of former First Lady Roslyn Carter.

She didn’t travel with the other First Ladies and Clinton was stunned to see her there.

And Melania Trump is different and showed up where she knew she wasn’t welcome because she knew it was an obligation on her part as a former First Lady.

Clinton explained that she didn’t know what to do when she first saw Melania.

That’s because Democrats these days can’t see a person’s value beyond their politics.

“I think it was a little scary. I say she looks like the kid on the outside of the birthday party, like, am I going to be accepted? Do I belong here?” Clinton recounted.

Clinton, First Lady Jill Biden, and former First Lady Michelle Obama – all Democrats – didn’t know what to do when they saw Melania Trump.

Former First Ladies react to Melania Trump

But when they saw former First Lady Laura Bush chatting with Melania, they felt shamed into greeting her.

“When we landed in Atlanta, we got into the motorcade to go to the church where the memorial service was to be held and we walked into the basement of the church where all the dignitaries were being rounded up and I saw Laura Bush, who is just absolutely delightful, talking with Melania Trump and none of us knew that she was going to be there,” Clinton added.

At that point, Clinton said all the other former First Lady’s dropping their chilly demeanor and treated Melania like a member of the group.

“And, you know, Michelle and Jill Biden and I were, like, wow, nobody told us, but immediately, you know, all of our training, our good manners, everybody immediately went up and Michelle gave her one of her hugs and even Jill, you know, said how glad she was to see her and I said hello to her, and I write about how I thought it was a very positive thing for her to show up,” Clinton concluded.

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