Greg Gutfeld said Donald Trump is owed one giant apology

President Trump is two months into his second term.
Already Trump has faced some ugly attacks that show the Left hasn’t learned any lessons.
And Greg Gutfeld said Donald Trump is owed one giant apology.
President Trump delivered a speech at the Justice Department where he pledged to end the weaponization of the justice system.
The Department of Justice was the same building where Joe Biden and former Attorney General Merrick Garland hatched a plot to unleash partisan prosecutors like Jack Smith after Trump in an effort to meddle in the 2024 election.
“The Five” co-host Harold Ford complained that Trump recited the history of all the hoaxes and political persecutions he faced at the hands of the FBI and the Justice Department in his remarks.
Greg Gutfeld took the opposite tact and said Trump’s speech should have been the opportunity for the media to issue President Trump an apology eight years in the making.
“I am so disgusted by what Harold said,” Gutfeld quipped. “You know, this isn’t about winning, Harold. It’s about imprinting the memory of this event on history, because, as we know, history is always rewritten by the losers!”
Gutfeld said it was up to outlets like Fox News to constantly correct the record and provide a true accounting of events about the Trump Presidency to the public because historians are pulled for the media which is plainly biased against Trump.
“If you think media is fake, what do you think about the people? Where do you think the historians came from? They came from media. So we have to. No one else is going to do this. He has to do it. We have to do it,” Gutfeld continued.
Gutfeld said members of the media would never engage in any introspection to admit they lied about Joe Biden being mentally fit or that they played key roles in keeping hoaxes like “Russia, Russia, Russia” alive.
“What you don’t hear right now. What’s that silence? It’s all the people in the media who tried to take him out. They aren’t saying, ‘Oh, we were wrong. Oh, whoopsie daisy. Biden has dementia!’ They aren’t doing that. So we have to,” Gutfeld added. “They’ve disappeared. They’ve gone away.”
Gutfeld said the story Trump outlined in his speech – a President who faced politically motivated indictments for crimes his opponents invented as well as surviving two assassination attempts – would normally be the stuff of Hollywood legend.
But Trump doesn’t have the right letter after his name so there won’t be any movies lionizing what most consider to be the greatest political comeback in history.
“How is this not a fable for the ages? An inspirational lesson to everyone who has felt targeted in their lives, who felt outgunned and outnumbered. If this were a Democrat, there would already be 12 movies made about this man, the most consequential political triumph in American history,” Gutfeld declared.
Gutfeld said shows like The Five are popular because they keep the receipts for the media’s partisan anti-Trump activism and are happy to remind viewers about all the lies told in the press about Trump.
“They literally, literally, I don’t mean metaphorically, they have to eat their words. We actually take their words verbatim. We bake cookies, and we write their words on the cookies and then they have to sit down. It’s not even pay-per-view. It’s free. We just force them to eat their words, every single word,” Gutfeld stated.