Donald Trump just got some bad news about getting sent to jail

The Democrat Party settled on their strategy of resistance to Donald Trump.
It looks very familiar to what President Trump experienced in the past.
And Donald Trump just got some bad news about getting sent to jail.
Democrats revert to lawfare
Trust in the media is at an all-time low and the ability of the press to run smear operations against conservatives is dwindling.
Democrats don’t hold any power in Washington as President Trump is in the White House and Republicans control majorities in Congress.
That leaves the Left one last resort.
Democrat lawyers fanned out across the country judge shopping for their most favorable jurisdictions to file bogus lawsuits so their allied so-called “judges” can issue lawless rulings stopping Trump’s executive orders.
The most dangerous example of this strategy succeeding took place in Rhode Island where District Court Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. shredded the Constitution and declared himself Emperor of the United States.
McConnell previously went rogue and issued an unconstitutional temporary restraining order (TRO) demanding the administration end a 90-day spending freeze imposed by the Office of Administration and Budget.
McConnell then issued a second order claiming the Trump administration wasn’t complying with his order.
In the new order, McConnell threatened any Trump official who didn’t obey his lawless TRO with jail on contempt charges.
“Persons who make private determinations of the law and refuse to obey an order generally risk criminal contempt even if the order is ultimately ruled incorrect,” McConnell wrote.
But that wasn’t all.
McConnell wrote that the Trump administration had to comply with the order halting the spending freeze relating to the funds in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” that was the matter before the court.
“The Defendants must immediately restore frozen funding during the pendency of the TRO until the Court hears and decides the Preliminary Injunction request,” McConnell’s ruling read.
But McConnell went even further.
McConnell then appointed himself head of the executive branch and ordered all spending freezes issued by Trump ended.
“The Defendants must immediately end any federal funding pause during the pendency of the TRO,” the ruling continued.
Judge McConnell is a district court judge in Rhode Island.
McConnell owns no Constitutional authority to commandeer the Article II authority to manage how money is spent.
This is a lawless and rogue order issued by a power mad judge that is allowing hatred of Donald Trump to rule the day in his courtroom.
The Trump administration pledged to appeal and eventually win.
“Each executive order will hold up in court because every action of the Trump-Vance administration is completely lawful,” White House spokesman Harrison Fields declared. “Any legal challenge against it is nothing more than an attempt to undermine the will of the American people.”
The more these resistance judges issue baseless rulings they have no authority to hand down, the closer America comes to a Constitutional crisis.
And there are growing calls among conservatives for the Supreme Court to step in and nuke these TROs as well as the ability of district court judges to stop federal policy through nationwide injunctions.