Democrats are worried sick after their worst fear about Donald Trump was confirmed

Cat2 / Politics

Michael Vadon, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump’s Presidential bid hasn’t been derailed by the onslaught of lawfare from Democrats.

Far from it.

And Democrats are worried sick after their worst fear about Donald Trump was confirmed. 

Donald Trump has the best campaign team behind him of any of his races

Former President Donald Trump has faced unprecedented obstacles for a political candidate during his third Presidential campaign.

Democrats have tried to kneecap his campaign with bogus criminal cases and frivolous civil lawsuits designed to deal him massive political damage and keep him off the campaign trail. 

But Trump’s Presidential campaign is the strongest of his career.

He’s now polling better against President Joe Biden than he did at any point during the 2016 and 2020 Election cycles.

Trump’s polling at this stage of the campaign is the strongest for a Republican Presidential candidate since former President George W. Bush in the 2004 Election.

American Majority Action CEO Ned Ryun told the Daily Caller that Trump has a skilled group of campaign operatives surrounding him.

“He has put together in 2024, a group of competent loyalists, who are also, I think he’s thrown around the term ruthless killers, something along those lines around, which should make all of us very happy,” Ryun explained.

Trump’s 2016 campaign team was put together on the fly while the 2020 campaign couldn’t adapt to the political environment that the pandemic created.

The Trump campaign is synced up with the Republican National Committee

The Republican National Committee (RNC) was overhauled after former chairwoman Ronna McDaniel stepped aside in March.

Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita became the Chief Operating Officer for the RNC. 

And Lara Trump – the former President’s daughter-in-law – became the RNC co-chair during the shakeup.

Now the Trump campaign and the RNC are working together seamlessly for the November election.

In 2016, the RNC and the Trump campaign clashed. 

The RNC was more concerned with following pandemic guidelines during the 2020 Election much to the frustration of the Trump campaign.

“It’s streamlined the process where there’s no confusion over how this is supposed to work,” Ryun said about the current relationship. “They’re simpatico, and they’ve demonstrated that through how they’ve basically unified key positions. I would say they’ve also made sure, and they’re making sure, that everybody inside the building is also on the same page with the Trump campaign, which is a huge thing that might have been lacking in the past.”

And Trump’s campaign is more efficient than 2016 and 2020 with a smaller, more experienced staff according to Trump-Pence 2020 campaign director of strategic communications Marc Lotter explained.

“I think it’s a much smaller, leaner, professional campaign like 16 but also filled with more professional people who are very experienced and have a ton of experience, both with Trump but also with politics. I think it’s really kind of a merger between the 2016 and the 2020 campaign,” Lotter told the Caller. “It’s the best of both.”

RNC and Trump campaign spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez said that the success so far comes down to the former President.

“I wish I could tell you there’s some secret sauce that you don’t know about – the secret sauce is the boss,” Alvarez said.

Donald Trump has his strongest political operation behind him yet as he looks to win the race for the White House.

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