Democrats are coming unglued after rap mogul 50 Cent dropped this epic truth bomb about Donald Trump’s conviction

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Donald Trump’s conviction was supposed to be the death knell of his Presidential campaign.

It seems to be having the opposite effect.

And Democrats are coming unglued after rap mogul 50 Cent dropped this epic truth bomb about Donald Trump’s conviction.

Hustler of the Year

Over the years, rap mogul 50 Cent has gone to great lengths to separate himself from other music artists and celebrities by expanding his portfolio outside of music.

As a result, he’s now just as well known for his business acumen as he is for his musical talent.

In fact, at BET’s 2023 Hip Hop Awards, the rapper, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, was named the “Hustler of the Year” specifically for his entrepreneurial success.

Dating back to early in his career, like when he turned a small investment into a then-little-known company called VitaminWater into over $100 million in profit after it sold to Coca-Cola, 50 Cent has always had a keen eye for a good investment.

And according to a report from The Hill, he recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with both Republicans and Democrats in the House to advocate for black entrepreneurs and business owners, while also calling for more representation for black workers in the liquor industry – he founded Sire Spirits, a premium wine and liquor company, in 2014.

But while meeting with the politicians, reporters also predictably peppered him with all sorts of questions about the state of the nation and current events.

It was his answer to one question in particular, though, that left Democrats pulling out their hair in frustration.

Black voters are taking a second look at Trump

During the exchange, a reporter asked 50 Cent how he saw  “African American men” leaning in the race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Without missing a beat, the rap mogul responded, “I see them identifying with Trump.”

“Why do you say that?” the perplexed reporter responded.

“Because they’ve got RICO charges,” 50 Cent shot back.

Trump was, of course, indicted on his own charges under the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act by Fulton County Democrat District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia.

And as 50 Cent is pointing out, after his conviction on 34 felony charges as part of Manhattan Democrat District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s witch hunt against him, many black Americans are now viewing Trump as yet another victim of a corrupt justice system that only serves to protect the elites and their interests.

This is, however, not the first time 50 Cent has publicly voiced support for Trump.

As Breitbart noted, in the final weeks of the 2020 Election, the rap mogul took to social media to skewer Biden’s proposed tax plan and encouraged Americans to “vote for Trump” instead.

Not the exception

This past February, after New York Democrat Mayor Eric Adams proposed a plan that would funnel over $50 million in taxpayer money to debit cards for illegal aliens, 50 Cent once again took to social media to suggest that “maybe Trump is the answer.”

But his past support for Trump doesn’t mean that he is somehow an outlier in the black community.

A poll conducted by The Wall Street Journal in April – months before his conviction was even announced – indicated that 30% of black men and 11% of black women intended to vote for Trump in November.

That’s a significantly higher level of support from the black community than Trump has received in either of his prior Presidential campaigns – only around 12% of black men and 6% of black women voted for the former President in 2020.

Additionally, another recent poll conducted by Issues & Insights and Tipp Insights revealed that after securing 87% of the black vote in 2020, Biden’s support within that community has plummeted by 28% with just 59% of black voters now saying they intend to vote for his re-election.

Clearly, 50 Cent wasn’t exaggerating when he said that black men are now “identifying with Trump.”

And that’s a reality Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats refuse to accept.

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