CNN had one solution to its falling ratings that you won’t believe

CNN and the rest of the left-wing media is in crisis mode following Donald Trump’s win.
The press is hitting rock bottom.
And CNN had one solution to its falling ratings that you won’t believe.
Polls showing record low trust in the media are now reflected in the ratings.
CNN and MSNBC are watching viewers flee in the wake of an election where both channel’s on-air talent misled the audience about Donald Trump’s chances of victory.
Cable news networks covet the 25-54 year old age demographic because more viewers in that category allows them to charge higher ad rates.
CNN set a record low audience in the demo.
“CNN scored second place in the key 25-54 demo – despite notching the lowest total day demo rating in its history,” Mediaite reported.
The overall picture is no better.
More than 70 percent of all cable news viewers are watching Fox News because Fox proved to be the only real news network since it was the only network that provided accurate coverage of the election.
CNN is in last place with just 11 percent of the cable news audience turning in.
“Post-election, that number soared even higher as Fox News captured 72% of the cable news audience in prime time for the month’s second to last full week. MSNBC scored 16 percent, while CNN had 11 percent of cable news viewers during prime time,” Mediaite also reported.
Ratings are in a freefall with more than half the audience abandoning ship.
“CNN’s prime time demo is down 52% since the election, averaging only 77,000. MSNBC’s total prime time haul is down 55% with an average of 620,000 viewers, while CNN is down 45% to 405,000 viewers,” Mediaite’s report continued.
If the Daily Mail’s conversation with CNN journalists is any indication, the situation at CNN is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
According to CNN journalists, the network’s downward spiral is due to not being mean enough to Donald Trump when he appeared on the network for a May 2023 town hall.
“Insiders claim a decision to hold a town hall with the president-elect back in May 2023 upset staff and viewers, as did the decision not to fact check Trump during his debate earlier this year,” the Daily Mail reported.
“It is widely felt at CNN that we didn’t meet the mark,” one CNN journalist told the Daily Mail.
This CNN reporter actually thinks viewers lost faith in CNN because it wasn’t anti-Trump enough.
“I think a lot of it can be explained by the viewers making a decision that they just don’t like what we’re doing,” the journalist also told the Daily Mail.
The proof is in the pudding.
Fox News Channel dominated the post-election ratings war because Americans realized it’s the only network that will give fair coverage of Donald Trump.
CNN – as well as MSNBC – are finding out there is no bottom to their ratings collapse because the audience understands they are getting nothing but anti-Trump propaganda.