An ugly new poll contained bad numbers for Kamala Harris that will scare every Democrat

Cat2 / Politics

Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Following the debate, the media pushed a narrative that polls showed Kamala Harris’ campaign trajectory pointing towards the White House.

But the real world results tell a different story.

And an ugly new poll contained bad numbers for Kamala Harris that will scare every Democrat.

Kamala Harris loses out on Teamsters’ endorsement

The Teamsters are part of the Big Labor cabal that funds Democrat campaigns with forced union dues and provides the grassroots muscle for get-out-the-vote efforts.

But for the first time since 1996, the Teamsters union isn’t endorsing any candidate for President.

That’s because union bosses polled their members and phone and electronic surveys found nearly 60 percent of the rank-and-file support former President Donald Trump.

The Teamsters leadership put out a statement trying to explain why it didn’t endorse a candidate that nearly 6 in 10 members intend to vote for.

The statement revealed that in an “independent electronic and phone polling from July-September, a majority of voting members twice selected Trump for a possible Teamsters endorsement over Harris.”

And the union bosses claimed because Trump’s support wasn’t 100 percent the union wouldn’t back him.

“The union’s extensive member polling showed no majority support for Vice President Harris and no universal support among the membership for President Trump,” the statement continued.

Union bosses tried to show they were on the Democrat team by noting that Vice President Kamala Harris supports the so-called PRO Act – a dangerous piece of legislation that would put 59 million Americans out of work by banning independent contracting – and criticizing Donald Trump for refusing to renounce Right to Work laws.

“While Harris pledged, if elected, to sign the PRO Act, an essential piece of labor legislation strengthening union protections, and criticized dangerous ‘right to work’ laws that are enacted to bankrupt unions,” the statement added. “Trump would not commit to veto national ‘right to work’ legislation if he returned to the White House.”

In reality, Right to Work laws only defund the Democrat Party because they eliminate mandatory union dues – that Big Labor pours into Democrat campaigns – as a condition of employment.

Implications of this poll

The media ran wild with polls from the highly inaccurate Quinnipiac polling outfit that showed Kamala holding five and six-point leads over Trump in the key battlegrounds of Michigan and Pennsylvania.

But these polls showed Trump with suspiciously low support among white voters and seniors.

The Teamsters polled 21,000 out of 1.3 million members – which is a massive 1.5% sample.

Most national polls sample just 1,000 voters.

And this poll showing Trump winning 58 percent of the Teamster vote could indicate that the polls are – for the third election in a row – failing to accurately capture Donald Trump’s support with working-class voters.

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