An illegal scheme to influence the 2024 election just blew up in Kamala Harris’ face

Cat1 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Donald Trump and the Republicans need to be on red alert.

The Left is planning an October surprise.

And now an illegal scheme to influence the 2024 election just blew up in Kamala Harris’ face.

Democrat Party allies plan illegal foreign influence operation 

For eight years Democrats ran around looking for Russians hiding under every bed inside Trump Tower.

Starting with Hillary Clinton, the deranged conspiracy theory that former President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election trickled down to every corner of the Democrat Party and its adjacent media outlets.

Democrats resurrected the Russia hoax to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and hand President Joe Biden victory in 2020. 

This year the Biden-Harris Justice Department indicted employees of Russian state media outlet RT claiming they paid unsuspecting conservative influencers to produce content online.

The Trump era saw Americans come to understand the concept of projection.

Projection means Democrats are really guilty of every crime they accuse Trump of committing.

And in the 2024 Election, it’s the Left that’s conducting a foreign influence operation to boost Vice President Kamala Harris to victory.

The Politics UK X account shared a social media post by British Labour Party Head of Operations Sofia Patel announcing a scheme to deploy British operatives into battleground states to try and tip the election to Kamala.

“Nearly 100 current and former Labour Party staff are going to battleground states in the US election to campaign for Kamala Harris, with the party offering to ‘sort your housing,’” the PoliticsUK account wrote.

Democrats likely are breaking the law with foreign scheme

Former Federal Election Commissioner (FEC) head and current Chairman of the Free Speech Institute Brad Smith responded to this post.

Smith wrote that noncitizens can’t spend money in U.S. elections or vote.

Any plot by the Labour Party operatives to meddle in the election on Kamala’s behalf would violate U.S. election law.

“Visitors to the U.S. are free to comment on our elections. But non-U.S. citizens/permanent residents may not spend in U.S. elections. If Labour is paying for travel, housing, etc., or paying people for time off they otherwise would not have, this would appear to violate U.S. law,” Smith wrote.

The Labour Party is led by United Kingdom Prime Minister Keir Starmer whose approval rating is 24% thanks to growing anger in the country over open borders and attempts by the government to crack down on opposition to unchecked migration.

Leftist international elites attempting to ride to the rescue of Kamala Harris at the 11th hour also drive home Trump’s message that she will put the American people last so she can fund the endless war in Ukraine and keep America’s border open.

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