All hell broke loose when Joe Biden prepared this mass amnesty plan

Cat1 / Politics

U.S. Embassy Bern, Switzerland, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump won the 2016 election riding a backlash to Barack Obama opening the border.

Polls show history may repeat itself in 2024.

And all hell broke loose when Joe Biden prepared this mass amnesty plan.

Joe Biden shows his true colors

A recent Gallup poll showed that Americans continue to list immigration as the number one issue facing the country.

President Joe Biden tried to show he cared about the crisis he created by signing a phony executive order that would have allowed at least one million illegal aliens to enter the country each year as part of an election-year ploy to make it look like he was cracking down on the border.

Despite all the media spin, Biden is fully committed to open borders.

He’s also preparing an executive order to grant amnesty to almost one million illegal aliens currently residing in the country.

“Estimates put the number of people who could be directly affected at 750,000 to 800,000, with a reverberating effect among spouses, children, extended family and friends — and predominantly Latinos. That’s millions of potential votes in just Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. Those are all battleground states, all home to many Latinos and all looking likely to be decided in November by slivers of the electorate,” CNN reports.

The Obama 2012 playbook

In 2012, former President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign carried 71 percent of the Latino vote.

Democrats mistakenly took that to mean Obama’s executive order granting amnesty to illegal alien children meant that Hispanic voters put amnesty as their number one issue.

Polls currently show former President Donald Trump winning historic levels of Latino support and handily leading Biden in swing states with sizable Hispanic populations like Arizona and Nevada.

Biden’s handlers believe they can recreate Obama’s winning coalition through this executive order.

“Latino voters in particular are extremely enthusiastic about seeing something done to help people they know. It is either a direct relative or friend, someone they work with,” a source close to the Biden campaign told CNN.

This source said the amnesty executive order “is such a powerful signal to these communities that you care about them, and you understand what’s happening there.”

Biden playing with fire

But Democrats are once again misreading the electorate.

A new CBS/YouGov poll found over 60 percent of voters support Donald Trump’s proposal for a mass deportation of illegal aliens.

That number included 53 percent of Hispanic voters who backed Trump’s plan to mobilize the government’s resources to do its job and deport the illegal aliens Biden lawlessly allows to remain in America.

If Donald Trump wins a second term it will be once again because Democrats fooled themselves into believing voters – specifically Latinos – back amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens.

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