A Supreme Court Justice issued every American this horrifying warning

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Mr. Kjetil Ree., CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Freedom is under attack in America.

There aren’t any safe spaces.

A Supreme Court Justice issued every American this horrifying warning.

Justice Neil Gorsuch warns about Big Government

Former President Donald Trump helped remake the Supreme Court into a conservative majority with his three Supreme Court appointments.

Democrats are still steaming mad.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), President Joe Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris all endorsed a form of court-packing to undo the majority conservatives created by winning elections.

Democrats want victory by any means necessary after Trump shifted the court to the right with his three picks.

Justice Neil Gorsuch was Trump’s first Supreme Court pick.

Gorsuch – and the rest of the court’s conservatives – have come under fire from the media and the Democrat Party for handing down rulings that the Left disagrees with.

That led to Biden proposing a backdoor court-packing scheme.

In an interview with Fox News host Shannon Bream, Gorsuch warned that out-of-control big government was the number one issue Americans needed to worry about.

“I think it will be eye opening to the American people, the idea that so pretty much of our conduct is over regulated and over criminalized many cases. Apparently you and are committing felonies every day without possibly even knowing it,” Bream said to Gorsuch.

Gorsuch admitted to Bream that the federal government expanded so far beyond the Founder’s imagination that every American over 18 committed a felony a day through no fault of their own.

Big Government chokes off freedom

“I think that might be true. Some professors say there are now so many federal laws on the books that every American over the age of 18 commits one felony a day,” Gorsuch added.

He pinned the blame squarely on the Washington, D.C. “Swamp.”

“That’s happened in my lifetime. 1970 to the present we’ve seen maybe a doubling of the number of federal crimes on the books. And this just counts within the U.S. code passed by Congress and the tip of the iceberg because federal agencies have been busy,” Gorsuch stated.

“On the one hand we need laws to keep us free and safe, on the other hand, if you have too many laws you impair the same freedoms and our aspirations for equality too,” Gorsuch exclaimed.

Gorsuch told Bream that every law on the books restricts freedom.

That’s why justices and lawmakers needed to ensure that every statute passed served a purpose and would pass muster with the original idea of the framers that government should be limited in scope.

“As a judge for 18 years, I just came to see him case after case trying to live their lives raise their families and just getting whacked by laws unexpectedly,” Gorsuch concluded.

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