A key Kamala Harris ally made this startling admission about the economy

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

The economy is the number one issue in the election.

And Kamala Harris got some bad news.

That’s because a key Kamala Harris ally made this startling admission about the economy.

Secretary of Commerce gives embarrassing answer about vanishing jobs

A bombshell Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report showed that the Biden-Harris administration fabricated the jobs reports for the last year.

The shocking report showed the administration overestimated jobs created by 818,000.

ABC News host Kayna Whitworth asked Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo about what the job revision numbers meant. 

“I am curious as to your thoughts on today, the Bureau of Labor [Statistics] saying that more than 800,000 fewer jobs were actually created than initially reported. And I — we have a soundbite here…because Donald Trump is already addressing this on the campaign trail.” Whitworth wondered.

Raimondo said she had no reaction and declared the entire report a hoax.

“No. When I hear that, first of all, I don’t believe it. Because I have never heard Donald Trump say anything truthful,” Raimondo responded.

Whitworth then had to gently remind Raimondo these were BLS numbers.

“It is, though, from the Bureau of Labor [Statistics],” Whitworth interjected.

Raimondo then claimed she had no idea what the BLS was.

“I don’t — I’m not familiar with that,” Raimondo stammered.

That was an unbelievable statement since the BLS is the federal government’s official source of job numbers. 

Raimondo then launched into a rambling mess of an answer about how Vice President Kamala Harris – who presided over the economy that saw far weaker job creation than the administration claimed – now had a plan to fix the problem despite having been in office for three-and-a-half years.

“But look, let me just say this: I have talked to hundreds of business leaders who have looked at Harris’ plans, who have looked at her focus on innovation, her focus on helping businesses, her focus on — she has said, over and over, I am pro-business,” Raimondo mumbled.

“So, I think the optimism is real and she is so focused on bringing down costs. That’s what the American people still need help with, housing costs, child costs, food costs, and she hears that and she’s addressing that with her policies. And so far, I think she’s getting good marks for that,” Raimondo concluded.

What the jobs report means

Each month would see the BLS revise the previous month’s jobs report downward.

The American people instinctively understood the economy stunk which is why polls showed the public thought the country was in a recession despite Kamala and the media beating them over the head with the false claim that Bidenomics was “working.”

Either the BLS is incompetent or the administration figured no one would care about the revised number and it was okay to goose the total.

Either way, she has to pay the piper on this front.

And this turned into yet another example of Kamala Harris now claiming she could fix an economic disaster that she allowed to fester on her watch with another four years in office.

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