An embarrassing video left Kamala Harris getting booed in one shocking scene

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Kamala Harris made another bad decision.

The mistakes are piling up and time is running out.

An embarrassing video left Kamala Harris getting booed in one shocking scene.

Kamala Harris skips Al Smith Dinner and creates another political headache

Every four years the Democrat and Republican Presidential candidates show up in New York City for the Al Smith Dinner to help raise money for Catholic Charities.

Al Smith was the former Governor of New York who in 1928 became the first Catholic nominee for President when he ran and lost to Calvin Coolidge.

The dinner is a chance for both candidates to joke about themselves and their opponents and show Americans that they can disagree politically but still come together for a common cause.

Former President Donald Trump gladly attended the dinner.

Vice President Kamala Harris insulted every Catholic in America and bailed out of fear her support for abortion on demand, transgender surgeries, and homosexual marriage would lead to a chilly reception from the crowd in attendance.

But after announcing she would skip the event, the organizers allowed Kamala to submit a video message.

What followed was three-and-a-half of the cringiest, most excruciating minutes of bad political comedy anyone has ever seen.

As Kamala began her video actress Molly Shannon appeared dressed up as her mid-1990s Saturday Night Live Mary Katherine Gallagher Catholic schoolgirl character.

“Hey, what’s going on? Who was that?” Kamala said as Shannon in character pranced around in the background.

“Mary Katherine Gallagher, it’s so nice to meet you,” the Gallagher character stated.

The two then engaged in a painfully unfunny back and forth where Shannon performed the trademark Gallagher bit where she put her hands in her armpits and then sniffed her fingers.

“Very nice to meet you, Mary Katherine. Right now, I’m trying to record my speech for tonight’s dinner,” Kamala replied.

“Oh yeah, I know; I just want to say that I’m Catholic, and tonight is one of the biggest dinners next to the Last Supper,” the Gallagher character responded.

 “Sometimes when I get nervous, I stick my fingers under my arms, and I smell them like that,” Shannon as Gallagher added.

Kamala used a line about asking for advice to take a shot at Trump.

“Maybe don’t say anything negative about Catholics,” the Gallagher character said causing Kamala to say “I would never do that, no matter where I was. That would be like criticizing Detroit in Detroit.”

The skit mercifully ended with Kamala and the Gallagher character quoting pop star Taylor Swift.

The crowd boos 

When the video concluded the crowd couldn’t help but boo.

They booed so lustily that host and comedian Jim Gaffigan – who currently plays Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on Saturday Night Live – was taken aback at how awful the Kamala video was.

“I don’t even know what that noise you’re making is,” Gaffigan said in response to the Kamala video.

He also tried to put into perspective how awful he thought the video message was.

“Now I know how my kids felt when I FaceTimed into a piano recital they were at,” Gaffigan joked to the crowd.

That video could only be put together by a political party that has no respect for Catholics at best and is openly hostile to faith at worst.

For decades, left-wing comedians and sketch comedy shows have treated religion as a joke and the church as an institution to mock.

That sneering condescension came through in Kamala’s video where she totally missed the mask by not telling any self-deprecating jokes and used a sketch comedy character that mocked the culture of Catholic schools in a message to the biggest even for Catholics on the political calendar.

This could come back to haunt Kamala.

25 percent of voters in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are Catholic and Kamala just told them their faith is a joke.

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