Nancy Pelosi made one terrifying prediction about the outcome of the 2024 election

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by US Department of Labor via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0,

Nancy Pelosi may not be Speaker of the House anymore, but she’s still in charge of the Democrat Party.

No one has their finger on the pulse of the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” like her.

Nancy Pelosi made one terrifying prediction about the outcome of the 2024 election.

Nancy Pelosi predicts Democrats will win control of the House of Representatives 

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told reporters that a Republican Majority would certify a Vice President Kamala Harris election win as long as the contest was “free and fair.”

“Well, of course,” Johnson said in response to the question. 

“If we have a free, fair, and safe election, we’re gonna follow the Constitution, absolutely yes,” Johnson added.

CNN’s left-wing activist Jake Tapper asked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about the answer by Johnson.

But rather than run wild with conspiracy theories about Republicans planning another insurrection on January 6, Pelosi simply predicted that Democrats would win the majority and that on January 6, 2025, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) would be Speaker of the House.

“Why don’t we just all agree, whoever wins, we are for the peaceful transfer of power. He’s trying again to just wed himself to this fake conspiracy theory about the election. But you know what? We don’t agonize. We organize. And we organize and make sure that Hakeem Jeffries has that gavel on January 6th,” Pelosi stated.

President Joe Biden centered his campaign on the lie former President Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

That got nowhere with voters struggling with the Vice President Kamala Harris- Biden inflation surge.

Pelosi showed she learned that lesson by trying to make the case Democrats were focused on kitchen table issues and that is why they would win control of the House of Representatives.

“It’s very essential not only for the issues that we care about, our kitchen table issues, lowering the cost of prescription drugs that we have done, lowering the cost of healthcare, which we have done, lowering the cost of childcare, which we did, but we have to renew,” Pelosi added.

 “Hakeem will be Speaker,” Pelosi predicted.

Pelosi then began rambling about the National Anthem and metaphors about horse racing to describe what would happen in the 2024 Election.

 “The National Anthem says prove through the night that our flag is still there. You’ve heard me say that again and again. And we this is our night we have to prove through the night that our flag is still there. I’ll give you another Baltimore phrase that comes from Horse racing. We’re here, we’re going to whip to the lead, and then we’re going to whip the lead to victory,” Pelosi concluded.

The state of play in Congress 

Democrats only need to win a net gain of four seats in the House of Representatives to gain back control.

Election handicappers say they’ve never seen a closer election.

“It really is right on the razor’s edge,” managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics Kyle Kondik said in an interview with States Newsroom. “It’s pretty crazy that, you know, we’ve had two straight elections with just 222-seat majorities. And it’s pretty rare historically for there to be, you know, majorities that small twice in a row — unprecedented.

“Usually you’d have one side or the other breaking out to a bigger advantage, and I think both sides are viewing this, really, as a district-by-district slugfest,” Kondik added.

This is a base mobilization election.

And that makes Speaker Johnson’s decision to continually fold to Kamala Harris in spending negotiations so head-scratching.

Johnson’s latest cave was failing to attach the SAVE Act – which requires proof of citizenship to register to vote – from the government funding bill.

If Nancy Pelosi’s prediction comes true of a Democrat sweep it will be because establishment Republicans depressed their own over turnout by failing to fight for conservative priorities.

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