A jaw-dropping poll result had Kamala Harris pressing the panic button

Cat2 / Politics

Phil Roeder from Des Moines, IA, USA, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The home stretch of the 2024 Election is seeing a dramatic shift in momentum towards Donald Trump.

Democrats were caught completely off guard.

And this jaw-dropping poll result had Kamala Harris pressing the panic button.

Gallup poll shows key indicators pointing in Republicans’ favor

The latest results of Gallup’s survey on partisan identification and key issues portended bad news for Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party.

Gallup’s poll found Republicans holding a three-point edge over Democrats on which party Americans identified with.

Dating back to 1992, the Gallup party affiliation poll tracked closely with the final result in the popular vote.

“Party affiliation and voting are strongly predictive of individuals’ vote choices, with the vast majority of identifiers and leaners voting for the candidate of their preferred party. At the aggregate level, there are typically more Democrats and Democratic leaners than Republicans and Republican leaners in the U.S. adult population. Democrats have won presidential elections in years in which they had larger-than-normal advantages in party affiliation, including 1992, 1996, 2008, 2012, and 2020,” Gallup wrote of its poll result.

Gallup also noted that the one time the Republican Party won the popular vote since 1992 – former President George W. Bush’s re-election win over John Kerry in 2004 – the party affiliation poll showed a tie.

The Gallup poll gets worse for Kamala Harris

Republicans didn’t just lead on party identification.

Gallup found them leading Democrats on which party could better handle the number one issue facing the country.

“By 46% to 41%, Americans say the Republican Party is better able than the Democratic Party to address what they think is the most important problem facing the country. The top issues Americans currently name as the most important are ones that tend to favor the GOP, including the economy (24%), immigration (22%), the government (17%) and inflation (15%),” Gallup reported.

Gallup has been polling this question since 1948.

And even more so than party identification, the question of which party could best tackle the most pressing problem facing America is an accurate predictor of the vote in November.

“This measure has been highly predictive of election outcomes in Gallup trends dating back to 1948. The party rated as better at handling the most important problem has won all but three presidential elections since that year,” Gallup also reported about their poll’s results.

A recent New York Times/Siena poll of the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina found just 37 percent of voters think Kamala’s policies helped them.

Those numbers line up with what Gallup found.

Kamala sent the economy into a tailspin by casting the tie-breaking vote on the trillions in spending that kicked off the inflation crisis.

And it was “Border Czar” Kamala who rolled out the welcome mat for more than 10 million illegal aliens to enter America.

She failed on the issues that matter to voters.

That record is something the American people are keenly aware of.

And that’s why Republicans are taking historically large leads on the polling questions that most often predict the winner of the Presidential Election.

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