One big risk could cost Kamala Harris everything

Cat2 / Politics

The United States Senate - Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris’ handlers are trying to protect her in bubble wrap through the election.

But she and her campaign got some bad news.

And one big risk could cost Kamala Harris everything.

Journalist calls out Kamala for a strategy that could blow the election

Independent journalist Mark Halperin is one of the few who hasn’t fallen for the Vice President Kamala Harris hype train.

In fact, Halperin noticed that her handlers were so nervous about their candidate that they could be setting her up for defeat in November.

On his 2Way platform, he pointed out that the fundamental weakness of Kamala as a candidate is she is utterly devoid of the ability to formulate an argument and speak without a script.

Halperin explained that her 2020 Presidential campaign really fell apart when she threw up all over herself trying to defend her scheme to ban private health insurance from concerns by Democrats that such a radical policy proposal made her unelectable.

“You saw that when she ran for President in 2019. When she was asked to defend her position on healthcare, for single-payer, for Medicare for All, she couldn’t do it,” Halperin stated.

He told the attendees of his virtual call that these rhetorical and intellectual limitations are why Kamala steers clear of trying to defend her flip-flops on decriminalizing illegal immigration, banning guns, and banning fracking.

 “That’s why you don’t see her defending all these issue position changes, because she cannot do that well, at least based on the current record,” Halperin added.

Halperin cited Kamala’s cocoon strategy of insulating herself from hard questions as offending focus groups of undecided voters in swing states as a major gamble that could blow up in her face.

A warning to Kamala Harris

That’s because voters want to know how Kamala Harris will make their lives better.

Halperin said these voters may not like former President Donald Trump personally, but they know the economy boomed on his watch.

And he warned unless Kamala delivers compelling explanations about why she changed all of her positions and what she has planned for the next four years if she wins, these voters could ultimately break for Trump at the last minute.

“It doesn’t matter if she’s doing local interviews or the interview she did yesterday. If I’m right, and again the focus groups strongly suggest this, that voters don’t want to see an hour interview in which they learn nothing about what you would do on the economy, and not hear a robust defense, where what she’s doing is trying to get through the question the way some local anchors and network anchors try to get through a segment,” Halperin concluded. “Not trying to accomplish anything, just get through it. I could be wrong, but I think that’s at least a risk that she’s taking.”

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