George W. Bush made this crazy confession about Donald Trump

Cat2 / Politics

Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

George W. Bush is one of the establishment Republicans who want to seize control back of the GOP from Donald Trump and his MAGA movement.

He has been lurking in the background since leaving office in 2009.

And now George W. Bush made this crazy confession about Donald Trump.

George W. Bush’s 2024 endorsement

Former Vice President Dick Cheney endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President.

Cheney backed her because both support endless war in Ukraine, homosexual marriage, and the illegal warrantless spying the Deep State used to surveil former President Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign.

The Cheney endorsement of Kamala led to the natural question of whether Cheney’s boss – former President George W. Bush – would also endorse her.

George W. Bush’s office quickly answered that question saying he wouldn’t publicly endorse any candidate.

“President Bush retired from presidential politics years ago,” a statement to NBC News from his office read.

The fact that Bush wouldn’t publicly announce he would vote for Trump acted as a dead giveaway that he planned to vote for Kamala.

George Bush caused Trump’s rise

George W. Bush’s failures as President paved the way for Donald Trump.

Conservatives turned against the establishment after eight years of seeing Bush fold to the Democrats.

Bush signed Ted Kennedy’s federal takeover of education into law.

He created a new budget-busting Medicare entitlement.

Bush shredded the Constitution with the so-called “PATRIOT Act’s” illegal domestic spying program.

But his two biggest failures led directly to Trump.

Bush launched the disastrous Iraq War and he signed the TARP bill that bailed out the banks while average Americans lost their homes.

In 2016, Donald Trump won the White House on a campaign to put America and its forgotten men and women first. 

Bush discussed the rise of Trump in an interview with liberal historian Dave Rubenstein.

Rubenstein told Ben Smith of Semafor that Bush admitted the TARP bailout was the start of the rise of the Trump movement.

Bush explained that the Americans could see that the $700 billion bank bailout was a rip-off to protect the elites at their expense.

“I listened to (Hank) Paulson and (Ben) Bernanke and spent your money to bail out the guys who created the instruments in the first place, which is an absolute political disaster,” Bush told Rubenstein.

And Bush said the anger in the population grew from there until it manifested itself in the support for Donald Trump in 2016 when he promised to drain the swamp and crush a corrupt establishment. 

“You wonder why populism is on the rise. It starts with taking taxpayers’ money and giving it to the powerful. It really irritated a lot of Americans, and they haven’t gotten over it yet. That’s just part of it; there’s a lot of other reasons why. But we’ve had candidates say, ‘You’re mad, I’m going to make you madder.’ As opposed to, ‘You’re mad, I have some solutions to make you less mad.’ We’re kind of in the madder stage, where people are exploiting the anger as opposed to dealing with it like leaders should,” Bush concluded.

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