Joe Biden is going to the Supreme Court in this major case

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joe Biden’s lawless conduct keeps landing him in hot water.

He’s already been held to account for a host of lawless actions.

And now Joe Biden is going to the Supreme Court in this major case.

Courts block Biden’s student loan bailout scam

The Supreme Court slammed the brakes on President Joe Biden’s rogue scheme to steal over $400 billion from the Treasury to bail out student loans.

Biden – who is campaigning for President on the idea that he is the resolute defender of democracy – announced he would ignore the Supreme Court and Constitution’s separation of powers by enacting another lawless student loan bailout scheme.

This time it involved the SAVE Act.

The SAVE Act allows the government to grant more generous borrowing terms to individuals based on family status and income.

There are 8 million student loan borrowers enrolled under this legislation.

Biden sought to eliminate student loan debt by reducing enrollees’ student payments to $0.

The Attorneys General of Kansas and Missouri sued leading to judges in both states blocking the ability of Biden to offer new student loan bailouts under this scheme.

The lawsuit argued that Biden’s power grab “transforms many or most loans into outright grants from the federal government — without any appropriation from Congress.”

“Congress never gave Biden the authority to saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people’s debt. A huge win for the Constitution,” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said in response to the decision.

The Biden response

As is typical of this lawless administration shredding the Constitution at every turn, Biden and his underlings struck a defiant tone.

“Today’s rulings won’t stop our Administration from using every tool available to give students and borrowers the relief they need,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared.

Jean-Pierre also announced the administration would appeal the ruling ensuring this case ends up at the Supreme Court. 

“The Department of Justice will be appealing both decisions to block key provisions of our SAVE Plan. We will never stop fighting to lower monthly payments and help borrowers get out from under the burden of student debt – no matter how many times Republican elected officials try to stop us,” Jean-Pierre wrote on X.

Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona crowed that this ruling allowed the administration to keep student loan payments for 4 million borrowers at $0, effectively punishing every American who either didn’t go to college or played by the rules and paid off their debt with the tab for this payoff.

“While we continue to review these rulings, the SAVE plan still means lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers – including more than 4 million borrowers who owe no payments at all, and protections for borrowers facing runaway interest when they are making their monthly payments,” a statement from Cardona read.

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