Bill Maher shut down Joy Behar with this brutal truth bomb

Cat2 / Politics

Angela George, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Bill Maher ventured on to the set of The View.

He continued to antagonize the Left.

And Bill Maher shut down Joy Behar with this brutal truth bomb.

Joy Behar calls Trump supporters Nazis

The View co-host Joy Behar smeared Trump supporters as Nazis claiming they all should put swastikas on their MAGA hats.

“That hat that you keep wearing, that red hat that says ‘Make America Great Again,’ that tells people that you go along with this. So you might as well just put a swastika on the hat. We see it anyway,” Behar ranted.

Behar – as well as the rest of the media – got the memo from the Biden campaign to attack Trump as a wannabe Nazi over a video former President Donald Trump’s Truth Social account shared.

The fan-made video about what would happen if Trump was re-elected included a brief shot of a tiny, faded newspaper headline saying he would establish a “Unified Reich.”

Obviously, Trump supports nothing of the kind.

This is the type of image that’s easy to miss as you had to be extremely eagle-eyed and scan this video on a frame-by-frame basis to pick it up.

It was a mistake that the Trump campaign distanced itself from before deleting the post.

Bill Maher responds

Comedian Bill Maher took Behar to task for her comments during his guest appearance on The View.

He told her it was absurd to call all Trump supporters Nazis.

The Real Time host added he didn’t want to live in a place where he was required to hate “half the country.”

“I’m not gonna defend Donald Trump ever but I would never say that we should put the swastika on the cap because I think you can hate Donald Trump, you can’t hate everybody who likes him,” Maher stated. “That’s half the country. I don’t want to live in that country. I don’t want to live in a country where I hate half the country. And I don’t hate half the country.”

Maher also called out Behar for saying one thing when the cameras were rolling and another once the red light went off.

Behar said she sometimes censors her criticism of President Joe Biden over how her comments will be perceived.

Maher let the audience know that Behar also doesn’t really believe all Trump supporters are Nazis.

“Joy is a wonderful human being and she should not be afraid that people are going to attack her because she said the thing about the swastika on the cap,” Maher stated. “As you said to me in the break, you do not think that all the people who are for Trump are Nazis.”

Behar said this was the case and said some of her family members were Trump supporters.

“I have some in my family. I don’t think they’re Nazis,” Behar admitted.

“OK, great. I’m glad we got that — I don’t want you hurt in the supermarket.” Maher joked in response.

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