Bill Maher called on Democrats to dump Joe Biden for a surprise replacement

Cat2 / Politics

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Rank-and-file Democrats are increasingly coming to the conclusion that Joe Biden’s situation in the 2024 campaign is unsalvageable.

Drastic measures must be taken.

And Bill Maher called on Democrats to dump Joe Biden for a surprise replacement.

Maher calls on Democrats to swap out Joe Biden for Gavin Newsom

President Joe Biden’s debate performance exposed the ridiculous idea that he can serve as President until he’s 86, the age at which he would be in a second term.

Biden’s age and cognitive decline are now the issues in the Presidential campaign.

In a New York Times op-ed, comedian Bill Maher wrote that the Democrat Party is depressed as the polling data shows former President Donald Trump on track to win a second term.

Maher said Biden stepping down so the party could pick a new nominee at an open convention would provide a jolt of enthusiasm.

“Let’s move the plotline forward,” Maher wrote.

 “Democrats could not buy, with all of George Soros’s money, the enthusiasm, engagement, and interest they would get from having an open convention,” Maher added.

Maher said this wasn’t a condemnation of Joe Biden as President, but an acceptance of the reality of the situation.

“I like Joe Biden, as many of us do,” Maher continued. 

“But the critique of ageism only has credibility if we admit that there is some time when age inevitably catches up to all of us,” Maher argued.

Maher then listed many of the possible choices to replace Biden.

“Who will get the rose this August in Chicago? Gavin or Gretchen? Suddenly, Stacey Abrams might say she’s in! And so might Tim Ryan and Josh Shapiro! And Amy Klobuchar and Ruben Gallego! And Mayor Pete and Raphael Warnock! And Wes Moore and — who knows? — maybe Andrew Yang says he’s a Democrat again! And that dude from Kentucky. I hear he’s great!” Maher exclaimed.

But to him, there was only one option.

California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Maher’s case for Newsom

Maher argued that Newsom looked the part, can carry himself well on TV, and is something new, a key factor that always appeals to voters.

“He is forceful, is never at a loss for words or stats, never stumbles, is never intimidated. He’s unbullyable, and that’s important against Mr. Trump. People are attracted to what looks like strength, much more than specific policies. And he looks great on TV,” Maher said of Newsom.

 “The electorate in this country is not particularly fond of studying up on the issues; a lot of the disappointment they feel in Mr. Biden stems from the fact that they just don’t have the facts. But what Americans are big on is: Screw it. Let’s give that new thing a try. How much worse could it be?” Maher concluded.

Bill Maher spent years bemoaning what California’s turned into with woke ideology in schools and tolerating homelessness on the streets.

It didn’t make sense for someone who thinks Democrats ran down California to bring the leader of California Democrats into the White House so he can do to the nation what he did to the Golden State.

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