Barack Obama’s speechwriter offered Joe Biden some debate talking points that caught Stephen Colbert by surprise

Cat2 / Politics

Carol M. Highsmith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Left’s woke ideology ruined late-night TV.

Under host Stephen Colbert, The Late Show is nothing more than a Democrat infomercial.

But Barack Obama’s speechwriter offered Joe Biden some debate talking points that caught Stephen Colbert by surprise.

Democrats worried about Joe Biden

Democrats are in full panic mode over President Joe Biden’s re-election efforts.

Biden’s lawfare backfired and polls show former President Donald Trump is leading both nationally and in the critical swing states that will determine the outcome of the election.

Aside from his disastrous Presidency – border crisis, inflation, crime, and foreign policy – President Joe Biden has one glaring issue facing him this fall.

The overwhelming majority of Americans believe he is too old and senile to serve another four years in the White House.

But Biden and former President Donald Trump are scheduled to face off in a 90-minute debate hosted by CNN and moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Of course, CNN is catering to Joe Biden with its debate rules for next week.

Obama speechwriters give advice for the debate

But during a recent episode of The Late Show, former Obama speechwriters and current hosts of the podcast Pod Save America, Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor, shared debate advice for Joe Biden with host Stephen Colbert.

Colbert brought up CNN’s rule that no audience is allowed at the debate.

“How do you think that’s going to — I love those rules because, remember, the first debate in 2020 was just a shout fest where he was just trying to drown him out by being a complete tool during the debate,” Colbert began. “Can you still do zingers when there’s no audience? Do jokes still work? Because usually there’s a takeaway if he got the good one in and the audience responded. Without any audience, is it worth doing jokes?”

Lovett agreed that it makes it “tougher” to do zingers without an audience, but said that it’s possible if Biden uses humor.

“Right, you’ve written jokes for politicians before,” Colbert said. “Do you have anything—any advice for Joe?”

Without hesitation, Lovett pulled out a notecard from his pocket where he wrote down ideas for Joe Biden.

“We passed the largest climate bill in history,” he said. “You remember climate change, like how you changed the climate in that courtroom when you stunk it up with your farts.”

Lovett’s suggestions were all centered around farting.

“We’ll secure the border and keep families together, though no promises for you and your wife, Melania, with whom you seem to have a, kind of, hollow, loveless arrangement,” he said. “She wasn’t even with you in that courtroom when you stunk it up with your farts.”

“You’re promising to cut taxes for your rich friends, but Donald, if you have to cut their taxes so they’ll want to hang out with you, are they really your friends?” Lovett added. “Did they even call you after the whole fart thing?”

Colbert asked Lovett if he would “email those to the White House?”

“Those are the zingers for you,” Colbert said. “The zingers that could literally save America – I am sending them right to Joe.”

Late-night television used to be a staple of American pop culture.

But the days of Johnny Carson, Dave Letterman, and Jay Leno ended when the Left’s woke ideology took over the entertainment industry.

Instead of being funny, today’s late-night shows are nothing more than group therapy sessions for leftists.

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