Usha Vance could not stop smiling when she heard what J.D. told CBS viewers about her

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Politics is a nasty business.

Democrats and leftists are now attacking J.D. Vance’s wife and children.

And Usha Vance could not stop smiling when she heard what J.D. told CBS viewers about her.

J.D. Vance’s family victim of political mudslinging

U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) is getting a first-hand glimpse into the type of nasty attacks former President Donald Trump has endured since he came down the golden escalator in 2015.

His opponents are no longer just attacking him and his policies.

They’re now attacking his wife Usha over her Indian heritage.

Usha Vance is an accomplished attorney.

She and J.D. have been married since 2014 and have three children together.

Usha attended Yale Law School and also has a bachelor’s degree in history from there along with a master’s in philosophy from the University of Cambridge.

Usha even clerked for Chief Justice John Roberts and for then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit after she graduated from Yale.

But she’s been attacked over her Indian heritage.

Vance appeared for a sit-down interview with CBS’ Face the Nation where he discussed the attacks against his wife and children.

During the interview, host Margaret Brennan mentioned the recent attacks against Vance’s wife over her Indian heritage.

Brenna said his wife Usha was “very accomplished,” but that hasn’t stopped some from attacking her because “she’s not a white person.”

“How concerned are you that this kind of hate would follow you to the White House?” Brennan asked.

Vance said attacks are just a part of our “disgraceful” politics.

“It’s going to follow us wherever we go because that’s the nature of public life in America and it’s disgraceful,” Vance said. 

J.D. Vance sticks up for his wife

Vance then praised his wife and expressed his deep love for her.

“I love my wife,” Vance said. “I’m very proud of her. I’m extremely lucky to have met her and to have gotten the chance to build a life with her.” 

However, he threw down the gauntlet on those who are attacking his wife and told them to come after him instead. 

“And my attitude on this is, people want to attack me, attack my policy views, they’re welcome to,” Vance stated. “I signed up for it – my wife didn’t sign up for it.”

He told his haters that his wife was “way out of their league” and they should “just keep their mouth shut, or at least focus on me.” 

Of course, it’s never easy when your family is attacked by your political opponents or the media.

Brennan asked Vance how he keeps his cool with so many attacks coming against his family.

Vance admitted that it occasionally gets under his skin.

“Yeah, I get pissed off sometimes, certainly,” Vance admitted. “When people attack your family for something that no person can control.”

As for his wife Usha, Vance told Brennan that she’s “pretty tough” and handles the attacks well.

J.D. Vance is finding out how ruthless American politics has become.

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