The Supreme Court crushed Donald Trump with this big loss

Cat2 / Politics

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The Supreme Court is becoming a major problem.

Democrats are racking up victory after victory.

And the Supreme Court crushed Donald Trump with this big loss.

A Supreme Court term of betrayal

The current Supreme Court term is turning into a route for Democrats.

A majority upheld the right to disarm law-abiding American citizens.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett authored an opinion giving the okay to President Joe Biden to censor the internet ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election.

And now the court reinstated limits on an Idaho Pro-Life law that protected unborn babies in virtually all cases.

The matter before the court involved a dispute over whether the Idaho law conflicted with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTA).

EMTA allows for doctors to perform emergency “stabilizing care.”

The Biden administration argued this included abortions in cases of the mother’s health being at risk.

Pro-abortion radicals like Biden use the “health of the mother” as a loophole to permit abortion on demand.

Abortionists will claim anything that puts a mom’s health at risk – even mental health is used as a justification – should allow an abortion to take place.

The Supreme Court gave its stamp of approval to this regime.

How this impacts Donald Trump

Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s constant siding with the Left – she voted with the Left on abortion, gun control, and censorship, and joined the left-wing justices to side with the Biden Environmental Protection Agency’s Green New Deal scam – affects former President Trump in two ways.

First, Trump has an immunity case before the court.

If Barrett and one other conservative justice jump ship and say Trump has no immunity from prosecution then Special Counsel Jack Smith can race to convict him before the election.

If Barrett and the court continue to drift Left it could also hurt vote enthusiasm on the Right.

For decades conservatives have heard that they need to turn out on Election Day to save the Supreme Court.

But the decisions in this term – specifically by Barrett – leave many wondering what’s the point.

What frustrates conservatives more than anything is Democrats know their justices are rock-solid votes on all the big culture war cases.

That’s never the situation on the Right.

Trump got to make three Supreme Court nominations.

And even that isn’t enough to secure conservative victories because Amy Coney Barrett is turning out to be another David Souter – a stealth nominee who the liberal establishment captured and morphed from a genuine swing vote into a rubber stamp for the American Left.

Trump holds a lead in the polls.

But the election will likely come down to him needing to win one of Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin.

Trump’s lead in all three states is inside the margin of error.

If conservative turnout drops because the Supreme Court going Left convinced enough conservatives that even winning elections doesn’t change anything, then Joe Biden could overcome his polling deficit and defeat Donald Trump.

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