Nancy Pelosi dropped the hammer on Jill Biden after this sickening insult 

Photo by U.S. Embassy Ghana, Public Domain, via Flickr

The recriminations in the Democrat Party after the 2024 election are kicking into high gear.

Two of the left’s big names are at each other’s throats.

And Nancy Pelosi dropped the hammer on Jill Biden after this sickening insult.

Nancy Pelosi pushes back on the Bidens

Nancy Pelosi was the ringleader of the coup that forced Joe Biden out of the Presidential race.

Pelosi doesn’t deserve any medals as she was also a ringleader in the conspiracy of silence that concealed that fact that Joe Biden’s brain was apple sauce from the voters until Biden’s performance in the debate against Donald Trump left her no choice.

Kamala Harris went on to replace Biden at the top of the ticket and lost to Doanld Trump in landslide fashion.

The Bidens seethed ever since.

Joe Biden gave an exit interview to USA Today where he absurdly claimed he would have beaten Donald Trump had he remained in the race.

Former First Lady Jill Biden got even more personal accusing Pelosi of disloyalty and claiming she destroyed a 50-year friendship.

“We were friends for 50 years.” Jill Biden stated. “It was disappointing.”

Nancy Pelosi had her chance to hit back in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Pelosi showed the wounds from the 2024 election are still raw as she went to laughable lengths to dump on Joe and Jill Biden.

Pelosi told Mitchell that since House Democrats gained a seat in November they didn’t lose the election even though most people would define failing to win the majority as losing.

But Pelosi said had Biden remained on the ticket Democrats would suffer a wipeout all the way down the ballot.

“Well, all I know is that we won a seat in the house. We did not lose any seats. You know, people were like, whoa, The Democrats lost. No, we did not. I think it would have been quite different with President Biden at the top of the ticket,” Pelosi stated.

Pelosi then turned her attention to Jill Biden.

Pelosi claimed she hoped Jill Biden would understand that she pressured Joe Biden to end his re-election campaign for the sake of the children.

“Well, I certainly hope so… But the fact is that we’re all on a mission for the American people, for the American people, for America’s working families. My whole passion about being in politics is for the children. So what is it that we’re doing for the children?” Pelosi added.

Even though children mobbed Trump like a hero when he signed an executive order banning men from women’s sports – Pelosi claimed Trump’s presence in the White House was harmful to children.

“I think that it would have been important for the children to not have Donald Trump be president of the United States. And that is, I would take every step necessary to make sure that didn’t happen,” Pelosi declared.

And Pelosi predicted that by the end of the summer the polls would turn and Democrats would be in position to win back the House of Representatives in 2026.

“But it did. And now we have to deal with it. And in about 6 or 7 months, you’re going to see such a change. By the time we start our campaigns in this fall, for next fall, you’re going to see a very different picture about the Democrats. Vis-à-vis Donald Trump,” Pelosi concluded.