Megyn Kelly got some bad news about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline

Cat2 / Politics

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For years, the press covered up Joe Biden’s enfeebled mental state.

The media only started to tell the truth after his abysmal debate performance.

And Megyn Kelly got some bad news about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.

Media drops story about Biden’s mental acuity

Election forecaster Nate Silver agreed with former Fox News host Megyn Kelly that the media wasn’t exactly showering itself in glory once it dropped the story about President Joe Biden being mentally incompetent like a hot potato the instant he exited the Presidential race.

In the weeks between the debate and Biden quitting, news outlets published stories about how his brain only worked between 10 am and 4 pm and how his plan to save his campaign involved no events after 8 pm.

That reporting all vanished the moment Biden dropped out.

But he is still the President until January 20, 2025.

Silver believes Biden’s brain glitches are still a major story.

“Yeah, look, I think the Biden story should have been covered first and foremost as a governance story. It’s the hardest job in the world, you know, how much uptime does Biden have seems like a valid question,” Silver told Kelly. 

Silver said the press could ask the same questions about former President Donald Trump, but doing so would mean it would have to stay on the Biden story.

“And by the way, I think these questions can be asked of Trump, too. I think candidates should be more transparent about their medical records, and their mental health, and things like that as well, and people should have the right to ask questions,” Silver stated.

“But yeah,” Silver added.

Silver calls out the press

Since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, the reporting on his mental decline dried up.

But America could still face a crisis.

And it’s an open question right now about who is actually in charge between Vice President Kamala Harris and Biden.

Silver said he can see the argument of bias even though he’s a part of the left-wing media establishment.

“It’s not a great look that once the horse race aspect of the story was resolved that the story faded from the headlines so quickly. Cause it’s about if there’s a 3 a.m. phone call from North Korea, then do you have the best person in office to take that job. And I don’t know, I mean, the fact that Biden’s been cagey about his diagnosis, if he has one, it’s not been a great look and it’s a sign of how- what’s weird about me is, you know, I’m someone who is kind of in the liberal media establishment but also critical of it at times,” Silver added.

He admitted that the media coverage was “strategic” in election years – i.e. the press acts in the best interest of the Democrat Party nominee.

“And I think in election years in particular, you sometimes see behavior that’s more… more strategic, I guess I’d say,” Silver concluded.

There is one main reason the Biden cognitive decline story vanished.

That’s because pursuing it would require reporters to get to the bottom of what Kamala knew about Biden’s mental infirmities and why she hid that knowledge from the voters.

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