Kellyanne Conway begged Donald Trump to do one thing

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump is facing a new race now that Kamala Harris is the Democrat nominee for President.

He’s getting a lot of advice as she surges in the polls.

And Kellyanne Conway begged Donald Trump to do one thing.

Kellyanne Conway and Larry Kudlow tell Trump to focus on policy

Vice President Kamala Harris now leads former President Donald Trump in the national polls.

The battleground polls show a tossup race.

Trump and his team built a campaign to defeat President Joe Biden.

But now they need to recalibrate after Democrats pulled the switcheroo and swapped in Kamala.

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow interviewed former Trump White House Kellyanne Conway about the state of the race.

Kudlow asked her if the key to a Trump victory was dropping the personal attacks like calling Harris stupid and hammering away at her left-wing record.

“He has to hammer away, does he not?” Kudlow asked. “That’s what — don’t wander off, don’t call her stupid and all kinds of names, stay on message?”

Conway concurred saying the path to victory for Trump wasn’t difficult or complicated.

“The winning formula for President Trump is very plain to see,” Conway began.

 “It’s fewer insults, more insights, and that policy contrast,” Conway added.

Kamala doubles down on her left-wing agenda

Pundits thought Kamala needed to pick a more moderate running mate to balance out the ticket.

Instead, she picked far-left Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

He supports putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in school and letting the government kidnap children whose parents won’t allow them to get transgender surgeries.

Conway said Walz brought a left-wing record of “tax-and-spend, you know they call him ‘Tampon Tim,’ but I call him ‘Tax-and-Spend Tim,’ in Minnesota — he’s proud of it, he’ll brag to you about taxing and spending there.”

And she added that by putting Walz on the ticket Kamala provided a contrast. 

Kamala “has been no better,” Conway added saying that “if President Trump would just contrast the policies, he’ll win,” based on the fact that polls show he “has a two-to-one advantage over Biden-Harris on the economy and inflation, on the border, on Israel and Hamas, on the key issues that are important to people.”

“‘If you know what I’m for, you know what they’re against’ — then you’ve got that contrast,” Conway concluded.

Trump’s challenge

Ever since Kamala entered the race Trump’s been angry over the fact that he believes the Democrats pulled a dirty trick for the third election in a row to try and take the Presidency away from him.

He’s been consumed by distractions such as when Democrats and the media baited him into an irrelevant debate about crowd sizes.

“Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she “A.I.’d” it, and showed a massive “crowd” of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST! She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

“She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the “crowd” looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake “crowds” at her speeches. This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by CHEATING – And they’re even worse at the Ballot Box. She should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Anyone who does that will cheat at ANYTHING!” Trump added.

Conway used her appearance in Kudlow’s show – she knows he will likely watch – to try and get the message through that the polls show if he can stick to the issues and avoid distractions he will win the election.

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