Kamala Harris’ jaw hit the floor when she saw this shocking poll

Cat2 / Politics

Phil Roeder from Des Moines, IA, USA, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris’ honeymoon period is ending quicker than anyone expected.

Democrats never expected this to happen so soon.

And Kamala Harris’ jaw hit the floor when she saw this shocking poll.

New poll shows Donald Trump taking the lead in Pennsylvania

There is no path to 270 Electoral College votes for Vice President Kamala Harris without the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The math just doesn’t exist.

Some polls earlier in August showed Kamala up by as much as three points in Pennsylvania.

Democrats looked at those numbers and began measuring the drapes at the White House.

But Kamala and her team may have been getting ready to celebrate too soon.

A new Emerson poll of Pennsylvania found former President Donald Trump leading her 49 to 48 percent.

This was major because Emerson has been the most accurate pollster in America dating back to the 2020 Election.

“Again, Emerson has been the most accurate mainstream pollster over the last few cycles, and it hasn’t been close. Trump wins the presidency if this is true,” the Blaze radio host Steve Deace wrote on social media.

Another AARP poll out of Michigan showing Trump leading her by two points in that critical battleground found her bounce subsiding as the Trump campaign’s commercials exposed the real Kamala Harris.

National polls also swing to Trump

The national polls also showed the Kamala bounce fading.

An RMG Research Group survey found a seven-point swing to Trump over the span of two weeks.

He now leads Kamala in this survey.

Election forecaster Nate Silver also picked up the poll movement in his model.

“Today’s update. 2nd straight mediocre polling day for Harris. In the range where it could be noise, but her lead in our national polling average has been trimmed to 2.4 points from 3.1,” Silver posted on social media.

The Democrat National Convention is this week.

Candidates normally get a bounce out of their convention.

But Kamala already got a bounce upon entering the race.

And this could be where the race settles in.

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